Prince Philip, approaching the age of 100, was seen again at the wheel of a Land Rover, identical to that of the accident


Two days after the car accident, Prince Philip, 97, was seen again at the wheel of a car, a Land Rover received on Friday, identical to the one involved in the accident, Daily writes.

Image of the article Prince Philip, approaching the age of 100, was again seen at the wheel of a Land Rover, identical to that of the accident

Prince Philip, approaching the age of 100, was again seen at the wheel of a car, a Land Rover identical to that of the accident

The husband of Queen Elizabeth II was alone in the car and did not seem to wear a seat belt. He was driving a new Land Rover, even in the Sandringham royal estate.

The event only comes 48 hours after Prince Philip knocked over his car after bumping into a Kia car. The new Land Rover car, identical to that of the accident, was delivered to him on Friday afternoon after the shocking accident.

In photos taken by MailOnline (see photo here), the 97-year-old Duke of Edinburgh can be seen on Sandringham's main entrance gate on Saturday afternoons alone without a seat belt.

In the incident on Thursday, witnesses revealed that Prince Philip was trembling after asking them to "pull me out", captured alone in the overturned Rover Land without a security officer.

A driver on the spot said that the Duke "was hanging from the chair" and said "my foot is trapped". Four rescuers had to release it from the overturned vehicle.

Buckingham Palace officials admitted last night that Philip was taken to hospital on the advice of doctors, despite insisting that he was not injured.

Two women and a nine-month-old child were in the car that hit the British sovereign's vehicle and escaped with minor injuries.

However, Prince Philip now faces an & # 39; police accident on the accident – which could lead to a fine or may be forced to give up his driver's license.

The British authorities are investigating the circumstances of the accident, but witnesses told the Sun that the prince said he was blinded by the sun's rays.

Buckingham Palace reported Thursday that Prince Philip, head of Edinburgh, drove a Range Rover and tried to get on the A149, where he hit another vehicle.

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