Political chaos and the spiral of violence are shaking Peru


Repression broke out in the streets. Almost the entire cabinet of the new president, Manuel Merino, has resigned. The whereabouts of the president is unknown and Congress will most likely appoint his replacement.


The head of the Peruvian Congress, Luis Valdez, asked for the “immediate resignation” of the new president Manuel Merino on the night of this Saturday, November 14, after the violent repression of protests against his government, which left at least three dead and more than 60 wounded.

“I ask Mr. Merino to consider his immediate resignation,” Valdez told television channel N.

Additionally, Valdez has summoned the bench heads this Sunday 15-N to discuss Merino’s succession.

“We have to make a bigger decision, tomorrow (Sunday) the election of a new board of directors for a constitutional succession,” added Valdez.

The ultimatum came after the demonstrators died during a massive and peaceful march to push Merino back to Lima, which was violently repressed by police with shot and tear gas.

The mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz, of the Popular Action party, the same as Merino, also asked for the resignation of the president.

“I have just learned of the third death” in the protests, said the archbishop of Lima, Carlos Castillo, deploring the police repression in statements on state television.

Police said two were dead, while the national human rights coordinator indicated he was investigating if there were four.

The Ombudsman’s office announced that the first deceased, a 25-year-old young man, was shot in the head and face.

The police action has been severely questioned by the United Nations and human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International, since the protests began Tuesday, the day Merino took office.

Ten of Merino’s 18 ministers resigned this Saturday evening after police crackdowns, including Health, Abel Salinas, according to local media.

“This government will have to face the consequences of this conspiratorial act,” former President Ollanta Humala told Channel N on television.

The political crisis seemed to be heading towards the resignation of Merino, whose whereabouts were unknown in the early hours of this Sunday amid rumors of an alleged escape.

“I call him and I cannot communicate, I have no idea if he has resigned. I am not a fortune teller,” its prime minister, Antero Flores Aráoz, told RPP radio.

Lima International Airport reported that it was closed due to the night curfew. “The prosecution is alert to any situation that may arise,” he said on Twitter.

Merino remained silent after Saturday’s heavy crackdown and the congressional chief’s request for resignation.

Around 2:00 am on Sunday 15-N, the government released a photo of a meeting between Merino and his cabinet, but doubts arose as to when it was taken because the health minister, who had resigned hours earlier, appeared. .

The health ministry reported 63 injured protesters and the human rights coordinator said there were also 20 missing persons whose relatives searched for them in hospitals and police stations during curfew hours.

Damn Saturday

Peru experienced another day of protests this Saturday 14-N with marches and cacerolazos to push back the government of Merino, the head of Congress who took office on Tuesday after Parliament removed Martín Vizcarra in a controversial flash trial.

Thousands of outraged people, mostly young people, took to the streets in various cities to demand Merino’s resignation, rejecting what they consider a parliamentary coup.

Demonstrations continued into the early hours of Sunday in central Lima, despite the night curfew in effect due to the pandemic.

Police again used tear gas and pepper gas fired from helicopters to disperse protesters.

Young people carried signs with slogans like Merino, you are not my president, imposter Merino, Peru woke up, and they advanced through the streets to the rhythm of batucadas and chants.

At the same time, a group of demonstrators approached the surroundings of the Merino house, east of Lima, with pots and drums.

Military tanks circulated around a shopping mall in the San Miguel neighborhood, north of the capital.

The Episcopal Conference has urged the Government to dialogue.

“It is essential to listen to and attend the cries and clamor of the population to regain confidence, tranquility and social peace”, said in a statement the president of the Conference, Miguel Cabrejos, archbishop of Trujillo.

Merino took office to complete his current term, which expires on July 28, 2021.

Since Tuesday, thousands of people have taken to the streets in defense of Vizcarra, a politician with no party or counter in Congress but very popular.

Congress removed him for “moral incapacity” following a prosecution investigation of alleged corruption when he was governor of the southern region of Moquegua in 2014, which he denies.

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