Particl (PART) The developer's activity does not match the price of the cryptocurrency currency

  Particl-Suffers-a-Major-Disconnect-Between-the-Developer-Activity-and-Coin "title =" Part-Board-Major-Disconnect-Between-the-Developer-Activity-and-Coin /> </div>
<h2>  Particl suffers from a serious disconnection between the activities of the developers and the market capitalization of Coin </h2>
<p><strong>  Particl </strong> is no stranger to the shocks in recent months. The price of the token Particl (PART) peaked at $ 6.01 / 0.00078748 BTC on July 23. After this peak, the price started to slide in. The bottom of this dive was reached on August 23 when the price reached $ 2.83 / 0.00044933 BTC </p>
<h3>  What the merchant Farhadjafarov7 had to say about the coin </h3>
<p><em>  Trader farhadjafarov7 </em> stated that most of the people who knew him as a trader knew that he loved inversions, whether they were upwards or down. He had been looking at the Particl coin on Bittrex he, he has a good volume and has had a strong turnaround He concluded saying that this coin was a large currency to be bought and HODL in advance </p>
<h3>  About Particl </h3>
<p><em>  Particl </em> is a blockchain / P2P ecosystem focused on open source privacy, which hosts various DApps and uses a native cryptographic currency. Allows DApp of all types to be hard-coded using a scalable and secure environment. In addition, all DApps can be integrated directly into Particl Desktop. </p>
<p>  The <strong> Particl </strong> project was created on the basis of Bitcoin codes, to which updates are often made to each version. The project has a vision of creating a decentralized, private and trustless economy, supported by its native currency PART. The platform <em> Particl </em> is managed by the Particl Foundation. This is a non-profit organization registered in Zug in July 2017. </p>
<h3>  Features of the platform </h3>
<p>  The currency PART is private. This means that transactions can not be traced to the original user. Beyond that, the community is governed by three proposal mechanisms: </p>
<li>  Proposals for improvement (PIP) </li>
<li>  Proposals for opportunities (POP) </li>
<li>  Proposals for proposals (RFP) </li>
<p><em>  Particl </em> is independent from the currency; this means that any crypto owner in the world can benefit from privacy, security and DApp. It is also independent of the protocol, scalable and provides a passive income thanks to the PoS algorithm. In addition, it is characterized by intelligent privacy contracts, offers better mobility of funds and has been examined academically. </p>
<h3>  DApp Hosting </h3>
<p><em>  Particl is a DApp hosting platform </em>; obviously, he intends to have his DApps. The first official Dapp on the platform is the decentralized marketplace where users can buy, sell and exchange services and goods in P2P mode. This marketplace eliminates all intermediaries from the trade process. It's only the beginning. Particl has a vision of creating a democratic, decentralized and private economy. </p>
<h3>  About The PART Coin </h3>
<p>  PART is a native currency of a platform. It is a private currency that uses cutting-edge technologies like RingCT, CT, Segwit, Bitcoin Codebase 0.16 and much more. It can be used in the domestic market to exchange products. </p>
<p>  This currency can also be held in the portfolio <em> by stakeout </em>. Particl is implementing an advanced cold pointing system, which does not need the tracking portfolios to always be online. The main portfolio, the Particl desktop, is full of features. It gives you access to all in-development and available features. There are <em> three other portfolios called Particl Core Qt, Particl Copay and Particl-cli </em>. Each of these portfolios has some unique features. </p>
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