Monero security breaches (XMR) – How safe is XMR?


It is clear that Monero (XMR) is not going through a delicious period right now because more and more security breaches Monero (XMR) have influenced people's trust in the most common privacy currency in the cryptocurrency market. As more and more cybercriminals use different methods, such as cryptojacking, to capture XMR, the Monero community (XMR) has begun to wonder how safe XMR is at the moment?

While almost all cryptocurrencies in the market have been involved at least once in a computer attack, Monero (XMR) seems to be the most popular target lately, with many hackers who prefer it over other cryptos because of its private nature as it maintains the anonymity of the transactions conducted on the Monero blockchain.

While at the beginning of the year about 200,000 routers were infected with a malware extracted for Monero (XMR), silently in the background, more recently, only a few days ago, it was the turn of the & # 39; Google Chrome's MEGA extension to be affected by an encryption program to extract XMR.

How safe is XMR with so many security breaches Monero (XMR)?

Apparently, as reported by a recent Weiss Ratings survey, Monero (XMR) is still considered the best secret money in the cryptocurrency market, despite the recent security breaches. More precisely, about 65% of respondents said that Monero (XMR) is still their first choice when it is necessary to use a coin for privacy.

While it may be too early to give a clear verdict regarding how safe the XMR is, we could say that even though most cyber criminals use Monero (XMR) and its blockchain because it offers anonymous transactions, Monero ( XMR) remains a secure cryptocurrency.

In fact, just because some hackers are deploying the increasingly illegal mining encryption programs that are being used for XMR using the processing power of compromised computers, no one can blame Blockchain Monero for this. Furthermore, while the security breaches of Monero (XMR) existed and, most likely, there will still be from now on, the XMR will remain safe and the best private currency on the market.

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