Miscellaneous's mistake forces us to drill well again to save Julen


The rescue operation of little Julen was again delayed. The well that was made to reach the two-year-old child will have to be punctured again. All because there was a mistake in the initial calculation of its diameter.

The confirmation of this new line of arrest, in an already complicated operation, came by the subdelegate of the Government of Malaga, this Tuesday.

The authorities have confirmed to El Condidencial that the well "must be filled with fine earth" and "drilled again" so that it has a larger diameter than the current one. According to the Europa Press agency, there is a serious risk that the pipes will be trapped and damaged, compromising the entire rescue operation.

Monday, the rescue team announced the completion of vertical drilling after 55 hours of work. According to the newspaper El Español explains, citing official sources, "the difficulties arose after 40 meters of depth". The pipes that have been placed in the excavated tunnel exceed the existing diameter.

The same source explained that several options were considered, ending the operations by refueling the well and then drilling it again with a new width. "It is not possible to provide an estimate of the time this new operation will take," said the source contacted by the newspaper.

The miners intended to start this Tuesday by drilling the horizontal tunnel to get where the boy is supposed to be. Only this part of the work, which covers about four meters, can take 24 hours. After the call, the team of eight miners will descend in groups of two into a capsule prepared for the enterprise.

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