Mass test: Austria wants to test all citizens and isolate infected people


One day after the imposition of the strict blockade measures, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz surprises with a new crown plan. He wants the entire population to be tested.

  • Austria plans corona tests for all residents.

  • The infected should be separated.

  • Chancellor Kurz is based in Slovakia.

Austria announced a second block on Saturday. The government around Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) announced the measures on Saturday at a press conference in Vienna. Shops and schools must therefore close, leaving private living space is only allowed for compelling reasons such as basic needs, work, help for relatives, for example, and outdoor recreation.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is now surprising with a new crown plan. He wants all citizens to be tested. I am in close contact with Slovakia, where the population has been tested. “It was a feat,” Kurz said, saying tens of thousands of soldiers would help. The infected were then withdrawn from circulation with “temporary quarantine”.

“Schools contribute to dissemination”

Kurz now wants to implement these mass tests in Austria and announce them next week. In the meantime, it is also possible to get a large number of tests, a first test pass after the lockdown and a second, larger pass before Christmas, according to the Chancellor. The target group is initially teachers, among others, so all citizens should be tested. Kurz told ORF: “We have thousands of children and young people in Austria who are infected and don’t know it because they have no symptoms.”

Chancellor Kurz also explained his feelings after the announcement of the blockade on Saturday. “It’s not easy, there are many who pull you, who try to convince you, there are some who are sad and others are angry,” Kurz said. The Chancellor continued: «Difficult decisions must be made. In the spring it was shown that they have an effect. “

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“Don’t meet anyone!”: Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz informed the second bloc in Austria on Saturday.


More stringent measures apply from Tuesday to December 6.  They want to drastically reduce the number of infections.

More stringent measures apply from Tuesday to December 6. They want to drastically reduce the number of infections. “If we don’t react massively, there is a risk that the numbers will continue to grow,” Kurz said.


Trading will be closed from Tuesday.  Shops for daily needs, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, pharmacies and banks remain open.

Trading will be closed from Tuesday. Shops for daily needs, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, pharmacies and banks remain open.


Austria will introduce a blockade until 6 December. “Even if no one wants a second block, the second block is the only way to be sure it will work,” Chancellor Kurz said. Restrictions apply from midnight on Tuesday until 6 December. The exit rules must be re-approved every ten days by the main committee of the Parliament.

Shops for daily needs, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, pharmacies and banks remain open. Schools are moving to distance learning and, like kindergartens, offer assistance if needed. Private meetings are limited to single close relatives or caregivers. «My urgent request for the next few weeks is: don’t meet anyone! Each social contact is one too many, “Kurz said. The goal is to be able to reopen schools and businesses on 7 December.

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