Litecoin Price changed of -1.42 today


At 2018-09-03 the average Litecoin price is 64.93381754 USD, 0.00894658 BTC, 0.22282257 ETH.

The average exchange rate of Litecoin within 24 hours is -1.42 against USD, -2.21 against BTC, 0.36 against ETH. Weekly report: 12.26 against USD, 4.19 against BTC, 7.39 against ETH. Monthly report: -16.09 against USD, -13.69 against BTC, 20.29 against ETH.

In this regard, the trade volume of 24 hours is 260255319 USD or 35860 BTC. At the same time, Litecoin's market capitalization is 3774275157 USD or $ 520019 BTC.

It is interesting to note that 58125229 Litecoin is circulating.

Litecoin LTC / USDT on Bitforex exchange is 64.85. The trading volume on Bitforex is 2585597.80.

At the same time, Litecoin LTC / USDT on ZB exchange is 64.83. The trading volume on ZB is 69002124.38.

Litecoin LTC / USDT on Binance exchange is 64.80. The trading volume on Binance is 11201476.54.

Litecoin LTC / BTC on OKEx exchange is 64.86. The trading volume on OKEx is 31183551,22.

Litecoin LTC / BTC on EXX is 64.52. The trading volume on EXX is 932.89.

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