Ledger releases new wallet with more memory, mobile device management app


Ledger has just made news of its latest hardware portfolio and comes with an app for remote fund portfolio management.

The company will present the new Ledger Nano X at this year's CES conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Calling his new portfolio "Ledger & # 39; s new signature product", the team indicated in a demonstration and an interview with Bitcoin Magazine that the Nano X remains faithful to the simple design of its flagship, the Nano S, with some added complexity and versatility.

In particular, Nano X is released in tandem with the new Ledger Live Mobile app, available for Android and iOS. By connecting to the hardware portfolio via Bluetooth, this application will allow users to check the status and balance of their wallet, send transactions and install / uninstall wallet support for various coins without having to unlock their hardware portfolio.

"There have been many requests from our users to have a native application," said Ledger's CEO, Éric Larchevêque. Bitcoin Magazine. Until this app, which will also allow Nano S users to check the status of their portfolio in "read-only mode", Ledger's customers have had to rely on browser extensions like Chrome or MetaMask or services like MyEtherWallet for manage the funds.

Other improvements compared to Nano S include a larger screen, the migration of the buttons from the top to the bottom of the device for easier navigation and the ability to hold a charge (the old Nano S must be connected to a computer or a socket to work). According to Larchevêque, the new design also addresses "one of the biggest complaints of [Ledger’s] customers ": lack of memory.

"[For the Nano S], depending on the app, you can have five to ten up to fifteen wallets, but if you have a lot of crypto, you have to install and reinstall them to manage the coins: it's a lot of work. Now with Nano X, you have a lot more memory and you can have up to 100 applications at the same time, "Larchevêque said.

He went on to emphasize that, in addition to improvements in memory and UX, the mobility that the Nano X Ledger Live app would give to the hardware portfolio is its most important feature.

Asked about the fact that the Bluetooth functionality can expose any security vulnerabilities, Larchevêque strengthened the fact that Nano X's security design is as robust as its predecessor.

"The Bluetooth connection is used only to send public data, such as your public key, the transaction itself is encrypted end-to-end while using the highest level of encryption and security over the Bluetooth protocol … no private key is on Bluetooth connection, it's the same as the USB cable, and with regards to security, architecture is the same. "

Ledger aims to consolidate the success of the Nano S, which has sold over 1.5 million units since its inception, and is already starting well. In addition to the launch at CES, Nano X will also receive the CES Innovation Award in Cyber ​​Security and Personal Privacy for 2019.

Larchevêque believes that this award is not just indicative of the success of his company, but also of the steps taken by the space crypted from a marginal hobby to a pillar in the technology sector.

"I think he says a lot about the industry's recognition of a new category – the fact that this award has been assigned to the hardware portfolios shows that it is now a category, not a toy or a hobby, it shows the legitimacy of what we are It is a recognition that cryptocurrency is a new category of consumer electronics ".

A week or so after Ledger shared the news with Bitcoin MagazineWallet.fail demonstrated a vulnerability in Ledger Nano S, Ledger Blue and Trezor One at the Chaos Communications Conference (35C3) in Leipzig, Germany. Wallet.fail chose to renounce responsible disclosure practices and demonstrated vulnerability before alerting hardware portfolio companies, although Ledger and Trezor have both solved problems and are working on patches.

The Ledger Mobile Live app will be available from January 28, 2019 and Nano X will be available for pre-order on January 7, 2019 and will be available in March.

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