Lebanon has established its position in the heart of the Arab world …


Lebanon has established its position in the heart of the Arab world by hosting the summit on economic development, and has given a message outside that it is a lively and proactive country able to play its full role. The diverse Arab presence, which was marked by the presence of the Emir of Qatar in person, was a supportive climate that could then be translated into concrete steps towards Lebanon on the one hand and the beginning of the return of all the Arab countries in Lebanon from the other.

According to the information of the summit discussions and beyond, the initiative of President Michel Aoun to create an Arab bank for reconstruction in some countries of the region will not be limited to mere rhetoric, but will be translated in the coming months through establishment of an executive mechanism.

In light of the reconstruction, Lebanon is embarking on the presidential initiative to play a leading role in the next phase in this regard, especially since there is no Arab country against reconstruction, but these countries have different opinions on the situation. approach of the political solution.

Furthermore, Lebanon has succeeded both diplomatically and politically in the formulation of a special declaration on displaced Syrians, in line with Lebanese national interest and in line with the Arab consensus. The statement came to form the best response to the two ministers Moin al-Marabi and Nihad al-Mashnuq, as their position yesterday seemed to be individual, in exchange for the position of Lebanon as a whole and the Arab League as a whole.

And if the Beirut summit came out of this atmosphere and decision, the Beirut declaration will be merged with what the Tunis summit will discuss two months later, which means that the next summit in March will adopt the summit decisions in Lebanon, with the due importance.

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