Japanese Masona Nonaka: the oldest man in the world dies at the age of 113 – News International


When he was born, Albert Einstein has just published his theory of relativity …

The oldest man in the world, the Japanese Masazo Nonaka, died at the age of 113. This is what his family told the Japanese media on Sunday. The Guinness Book of Records recognized Nonaka as the oldest man in the world in April 2018.

▶ ︎ He was born on 25 July 1905 on the main island of Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan. Nonaka, who raised two sons and three daughters with his wife, who died in 1992, lived with her family in her hometown of Ashoro.

His house is also a hostel of more than 100 years with a hot spring that brought Nonaka. In the spring, she bathed once a week in her later years, as described by her family.

Japan is famous for the high life expectancy of its citizens. At the end of last year, the third largest economy in the world had almost 70,000 people over one hundred years old. Most are women. The longevity of the Japanese is enhanced by healthy traditional cooking, advances in medicine and greater awareness of health. However, the population of Japan is in decline due to the low birth rate.

Now a German is the oldest man in the world

According to "Volksstimme" Gustav Gerneth of Havelberg in Saxony-Anhalt is now the oldest man in the world. He was born on October 15, 1905 in Stettin and is, according to his nephew a year ago, still perfectly fit.

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