Japan launches data transmission satellite to improve disaster response


On Sunday, Japan launched a rocket carrying a government satellite designed to transmit data collected by other reconnaissance satellites already in orbit, allowing for faster and more information-rich communication when responding to natural disasters.

The H2A rocket, operated by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, took off from the Tanegashima space center in Kagoshima prefecture.

The relay satellite will initially conduct tests on the transmissions of data acquired by the fleet of information-gathering satellites, returning information from its geostationary orbit via optical communication.

When in operation, it will help overcome an issue where data can only be received for a limited time when each observation satellite has a direct line of sight with a grounded receiver.

By sending data, including images and other information, via the broadcast satellite, transmissions can be made more flexible and conducted over a longer period of time for each observation satellite, JAXA said.

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