HTC has increased the price of the Exodus phone and is cheaper now · Cryptosumer

Exodus 1. Source: a screenshot of the video.

HTC, a Taiwanese technology giant, has increased the price of its 20% -40% phone blockchain Exodus 1, depending on a cryptocurrency that you pay. However, in US dollars, the phone, which is set to begin shipping on January 31, is now cheaper than in October when it was presented.

Exodus is currently listed for 0.21 BTC (at time of writing, less than 800 USD), 5.71 ETH (about 750 USD) or 25.01 LTC (855 USD).

When the first phone details were announced in October of last year, the company stated that it "costs 0.15 BTC or ETH 4.78, which is about USD 960." In December, they also added support for Litecoin, when coin founder Charlie Lee tweeted that the price of the phone would be a "fixed 19.84 LTC."Although the phone is certainly cheaper in US dollars now, thanks to the subsequent market crash, the price in encryption is nominally higher than it was, presumably to offset the volatility of the coins.However, HTC has never announced this change of price.

The company has not responded to a request for comment.

The latest promotional video for Exodus 1:

The initial market crash, which took place in November 2018, has drastically reduced prices and the market has not yet recovered. In the last three months, the price of Bitcoin has decreased by about 40%, while both Litecoin and Ethereum have lost around 36%.

Meanwhile, Sirin Labs cut the price of your Finney phone by 10%, to 899 USD, which can also be paid in encryption. Also the Pundi X The launch of XPhone is scheduled for the second quarter of 2019 and would cost less than 1,000 USD, as reported by

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