How did Blockchain help families keep track of their Thanksgiving in Turkey?


Honeysuckle White, a food and beverage company, gave some families and friends who gathered for Thanksgiving dinner to track down their turkeys on the blockchain.

The family farm had a traceable blockchain code on more than 200,000 turkeys sold through 3,500 retailers across the United States. The traceable turkeys offered consumers an emotional connection with the farm where their meal began their journey to the table. The technology is developed using Hyperledger's Sawtooth platform.

Honeysuckle white traceability program

"Honeysuckle White is committed to food transparency and we are thrilled to bring more consumers to take a look at the family farms where their turkeys are bred," said Kassie Long, director of the Honeysuckle White brand in a press release.

The farm promised that during the holiday season turkeys would be available traceable to over 70 farms. Through this initiative, the US Honeysuckle hopes to establish a stronger link with consumers who use storytelling.

He brought this program out by asking consumers to send a text or enter the code on their package for the Honeysuckle White website. With that, each person can track their turkey to his specific family farm. They can also view the state and county of the farms, including history and photos of the family farm.

How Blockchain helped families keep track of their Thanksgiving day

Honeysuckle, a family-run agricultural company based in Wichita, Kansas, began using this detectable turkey program in the past year. The pilot project included only four farms for the Christmas holidays. The success of the 2017 program has led to the expansion of the program this year.

Tracing food on the blockchain can provide psychological security about food safety issues. It is also noteworthy that food security weighs favorably in the consumer purchase decision. This is why companies in the food sector are adopting these new technologies.

Other industrial applications Blockchain

At the start of this year, the Wall Street Journal reported that "10 of the world's largest companies, including Walmart Inc. and Nestle SA, are building a blockchain to redo the way the industry tracks food all over the world. " The IBM traceability platform has powered that project. However, the group focuses on solving the traceability problem – "IBM Food Trust". IBM is widely known as an active blockchain innovator.

Blockchain, in addition to enabling cryptocurrencies, has shocked several industries. British Airways has tested the technology to track flights. Some companies in the music world use it to protect artists' rights. Merck Inc. believes it could help share drug delivery data.

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How Blockchain helped families follow their Thanksgiving day in Turkey?

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How Blockchain helped families follow their Thanksgiving day in Turkey?


Honeysuckle White offered people the opportunity to track down their turkeys to the farm on the blockchain. The solution brings transparency to the purchase of food by consumers.


Feranmi Akeredolu

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