How Blockchain can prove to be our best defense against the overhead of IA – BTC threads


Of& nbspPrashant Jha

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the subject of discussion for over a decade and many important people have come forward stating that it is a threat to humanity. Elon Musk and Sam Altman have often warned against the consequences of a world in which a machine has more power than an institution.

The initial phase of cryptography was dominated by the request for anonymity and security that certainly helped create a system that could provide countermeasures for problems with centralized systems. However, the problem of AI is less abstract than it usually happens to a layman. The current political scenario in several states thrives on social media algorithms that can probably respond to the ease with which an organization was able to manipulate user behavior thanks to AI.

Mark Zuckerberg might have been able to answer questions from Congress members on the internet and his security. However, what he did not mention clearly is that the Internet is no longer compatible with the national state.

What is artificial intelligence and how does it work?

People often confuse artificial intelligence with the technology of the future, which would be in the form of computer systems or intelligent robots. However, this understanding is not only far from the truth, but also neglects the gravity of the situation. As Elon Musk rightly pointed out in the podcast with Joe Rogan, that artificial intelligence is no longer a future technology, but an ever-evolving system that can process millions of data and become more powerful every day.

The current human behavior can easily be traced through their social media platforms that continuously monitor likes, dislikes, comments, places, visits, eating habits and literally everything. Social media giants like Facebook and Google understood the power of data early enough and their entire system was converted into a great AI ecosystem. Since the beginning, man and interaction were limited, and until today has become our life with online monitoring 24 hours a day.

How Blockchain and Decentralization can put a brake on data intrusion by Tech Giants

Decentralization can be the answer to many of our problems and problems, not only with data mishandling and artificial intelligence overload. People often do not understand the importance of their data unless something bad happens to a particular company or individual. The United States got a taste through a Russian Meddling while Facebook users were shocked when they learned that their data is being sold to the highest bidder.

So what is the solution? Blockchain and decentralization, the implementation is quite simple. You can put your user data on a blockchain or dApp platform and, to be used by anyone, they must have your consent and have to pay a certain amount for the use of data. In this way not only your data is safe and secure, but you also have total control where you know who and how they are using your information.

Satoshi's original vision of "one vote for a CPU" can only be achieved through digitization and distributed control. With the proper implementation and the people behind the cause, the monopoly of technology giants of Facebook and Google will be reduced to a service provider rather than the force that can manipulate a big election like the 2016 US presidential election.

Final thoughts

The debate over the ever-expanding power of AI can only be assessed equitably when technology giants such as Facebook and Google become more transparent and less authoritative. However, it seems to be an unlikely dream. However, blockchain technology in the last decade has garnered sufficient attention and evolved quickly enough to come to the rescue of humans against AI overload.

Governments must strive to limit the powers of these technological giants and implement decentralization on a larger scale to save the future.

You can also read: BigToken aims to put a stop to the mistreatment of data by Tech Giants

Prashant Jha

As a content writer, Prashant believes in presenting complex topics in simple terms such as laity. He is passionate about technology and an avid reader.

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