Hashtoro launches ZCash Mining | CoinSpeaker


Launched in May, the project focused on the lucrative extraction of the most popular cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin – and now Zcash has also been added to the list. It will be extracted from the last miners Antminer Z9 Equihash, released this month. 1, 2 and 5 year plans are already available on the official website.

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Hashtoro uses cutting-edge technologies to deliver maximum mining efficiency, enhance hashrate and reduce costs. The world's first provider of ecological cloud mining, promotes reasonable consumption and minimizes waste. The farms, equipped with energy efficient ASIC plants, are located in crypto-compatible countries with easy access to low-cost electricity, allowing Hashtoro to set low maintenance rates and the most affordable plans on the market.

Mining equipment is powered by clean energy from renewable sources. The excess heat generated by the equipment is used to heat the water for local communities, further contributing to the ecology and reducing the overall carbon footprint.

The technologies of neural networks at the forefront automatically select the best pool and the best coin to be extracted. According to Hastoro estimates, this approach produces up to 10% more profit. At the end of the day, the coins extracted are converted into the cryptocurrency initially chosen by the user. To avoid the theft or loss of coins, they are stored in a cold bag.

Hashtoro also takes care of user security: its security system complies with the highest payment industry standards, while all transactions and sensitive personal information are protected by 256-bit encryption.

Alexander Petersons, product director of Hashtoro, says:

"Our goal was to create a profitable, safe and reliable extraction system for our customers We carefully choose the technologies we are using, the locations of our farms and, of course, the cryptocurrencies we are extracting." Our analysts and many others Cryptographic sources call ZCash one of the most profitable currencies at the moment. "

Zcash is a completely decentralized and open source cryptocurrency that uses a zero-knowledge cryptographic test protocol. It combines the transparency of the public blockchain with greater privacy, allowing anonymous transactions to be carried out. ZCash holders can use optional selective disclosure and hide information about the sender, recipient and the amount of the deal.

In 2018, ZCash saw a noticeable increase in popularity among miners and crypto investors, constantly becoming one of the sought-after altcoins. The ZCash community has grown at a rapid pace. The "Sapling" update planned for next October is designed to make private transactions more convenient and to improve the scalability of the system.

Hashtoro sets the price for ZCash mining plans at € 10, € 20 and € 30 for 100 H / s for 1, 2 and 5 years as a result.

For more information on Hashtoro and available contracts, visit the official website http://hashtoro.com and the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Hashtoro/.

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