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As expected, today, December 1st, one of the most anticipated events of Fortnite, as it would bring the end of season 4 of chapter 2. This event would star Galactus, the Planet Eater, an enemy that players could only face with the help of Marvel heroes and after a fantastic fight, they were victorious.
The Galactus event started at 3pm today (Mexico City time) and gathered players in the Helicarrier, from where it was possible to see how Galactus threatened the island trying to get the Zero Point gadget , which would give him the power to distort reality and end the world as we know it.
In case you missed it: Travis Scott’s concert Fortnite generated tens of millions of dollars.

Marvel heroes have joined forces to defeat Galactus
Unfortunately, the Helicarrier posed no danger to the enemy giant, who ended up destroying this ship and throwing the players into free fall. Here the Marvel heroes began to appear. Iron Man was the first to help and gave players jetpacks to keep them in battle and transported them on a truck loaded with explosives. The goal was to get Galactus to swallow all the buses, which would get the villain back where he came from.

The mission was certainly not easy, as players had to fight the drones with a laser weapon that was part of the bus to get close. Users were then able to enter Galactus’s arm hollows and destroy more robots in their path and eventually, with the help of Wolverine and Thor, they had Galactus swallow all the buses, obviously, without the driver inside. .

It will not be possible to play Fortnite See you tomorrow
This event represented the end of Season 4 of Chapter 2, so as on previous occasions, players could no longer access the online game immediately after closing.
Don’t worry, this is normal. Epic Games has announced that during this waiting time no one will be able to play Fortnite. If you try to play the title, you will see an on-screen countdown ending at 11pm today (Mexico City time), which will be when the servers go into maintenance to add all the new v .15.00 content. , which includes Season 5 of Chapter 2, during which online play will also be unavailable.
That said, you won’t be able to play Fortnite but until the early hours of December 2nd, precisely at 3:00 am. From then on, the new season will welcome you. We remind you to be looking for LEVEL UP to check all the news it will bring.
Likewise, Epic Games warned that the new season patches will be bigger than normal on Nintendo Switch and PC.
During this state of preparation, you will not be able to play Fortnite before the server downtime. Stay tuned for the adventures that await you in Chapter 2 – Season 5!
– Fortnite status (@FortniteStatus) December 1, 2020
What do you think of the event? Did you help the Marvel superheroes defeat Galactus? Tell us in the comments.
Fortnite It is available on next-generation and next-generation consoles, as well as on PCs and mobile phones. You can find more news related to him if you visit this page.
Stay informed with us at LEVEL UP.
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