Follow these expert-recommended tips to effectively control blood sugar levels


World Diabetes Day is celebrated on November 14 each year. This day tires to create awareness about this chronic condition and how to manage it. Here are some tips straight from experts to effectively manage these conditions.

World Diabetes Day 2020: Follow these expert-recommended tips to effectively control your blood sugar levels

World Diabetes Day 2020: A healthy diet and lifestyle can help control blood sugars


  1. Diabetes requires constant management of blood sugar levels
  2. A low glycemic index diet can help regulate blood sugars
  3. Diabetics should avoid drinking carbonated drinks

Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Type 1 diabetes occurs because insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are destroyed by the immune system and the pancreas produces little or no insulin. It can only be treated with insulin injections. However, 90% of people with diabetes mellitus have type 2 diabetes. Here, the pancreas produces insulin, but the body is resistant to the action of insulin and thus hyperglycemia occurs.

World diabetes day 2020: ways to manage diabetes effectively

Weight loss, healthy eating and exercise form the cornerstone of type 2 diabetes treatment. Five to ten percent weight loss leads to significant improvements in blood glucose levels. Eat foods low in calories, sugar and saturated fat. It is necessary to limit refined carbohydrates and processed foods, eat more fiber and vegetables, and emphasize non-starchy vegetables instead of starchy vegetables like potatoes.

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It is recommended that you exercise for at least 150 minutes per week. No more than two days a week should pass between exercise sessions to improve insulin action. Both aerobic exercise and resistance training are recommended. Aerobic attacks should last at least ten minutes with a goal of thirty minutes a day or more. If there are no contraindications, the activities must progress in intensity over time. In the COVID-19 pandemic, with restrictions on outdoor activities, options include stretching exercises, weight training if allowed, yoga, walking, jogging indoors, and using exercise machines. You need to increase unstructured physical activity such as doing household activities and running errands to reduce overall sitting time. A short period of physical activity (3-15 minutes) helps reduce post-meal hyperglycemia. A simple option for those with long office hours is to use the stairs.


World Diabetes Day: Regular exercise helps manage this chronic condition
Photo credit: iStock

People living with diabetes are twice as likely to have cardiovascular complications such as angina, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and peripheral arterial disease. It is essential to maintain frequent contact with the doctor (clinical consultation or tele-consultation). This is to review glycemic goals, adjust medications based on current status, and ensure blood pressure and cholesterol are well controlled. Reducing these parameters helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. These visits are also important for screening for other diabetes complications such as nerve damage (neuropathy), retinal complications that can threaten vision (retinopathy), and kidney damage (nephropathy).

Fatigue is a common symptom for people living with diabetes. Strategies for reducing this include eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, controlling sugars, avoiding fluctuations in glucose levels, ensuring vitamin levels are full, and learning to cope with stress. Living with diabetes can be mentally exhausting and can cause anxiety and depression. Talk to a family member or health care professional for help as mental wellbeing makes a significant difference to overall health.

For older people, be sure to keep emergency telephone numbers handy. If indicated, it is useful to have a blood glucose meter (device for monitoring capillary glucose levels) at home. It can save your life in an emergency. Always have sugar-containing foods on hand to treat hypoglycemic episodes (hypoglycemia).

Also Read: 5 Superfoods For Diabetes: Nuts, Green Leafy Vegetables, Whole Grains, and More

COVID-19 outcomes are more severe for people with diabetes. Studies have shown that poor diabetes control prior to hospital admission with COVID-19 infection was associated with an increased risk of serious or even fatal disease. It is vital that you take precautions to avoid getting the infection. These include washing hands regularly, avoiding touching the face, using a mask, disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, avoiding crowded places, avoiding contact with people who have respiratory symptoms, avoiding sharing towels and utensils. If symptoms of COVID disease occur, seek immediate medical attention. Management of diabetes with concomitant COVID-19 infection is complex and requires close supervision. Habitual medications often need to be changed or discontinued, and insulin injections may be temporarily needed to manage the hyperglycemia.

Also Read: Expert Tells How Lifestyle Changes Help Manage Diabetes Effectively

Type 2 diabetes is called a lifestyle disease. However, lifestyle changes, healthy eating, and exercise make a significant difference in risk and outcomes, and enable a person to lead a good quality life.


(Dr. Nisha Kaimal, Consultant, Endocrinology and Diabetology, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai)

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