Ethereum Blockchain Creator gets the song "Vitalik Buterin" by Gramatik and Kotek


  Ethereum Blockchain Creator gets the song "Vitalik Buterin" by Gramatik and Kotek "title =" Ethereum Blockchain Creator gets the song "Vitalik Buterin" by Gramatik and Kotek "/> </div>
<p>  The blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency have led to the development of many <strong> Recently, the Slovenian electrical engineer Gramatik created a song inspired by Ethereum called Vitalik Buterin </strong>. </p>
<p>  Gramatik made the song in collaboration with Kotek in an interview with Billboard, Gramatik revealed that the song is a tribute to Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the Ethereum network. The song is also the sequel to another artist's work, a blockchain track that bears the name of the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. </p>
<p>  Kotek revealed that he met Gramtik in 2016 while he was producing a previous song, he declared to be an old Gramtik fan and that the song came to his mind d a conversation via e-mail. The track is an "instrumental journey" that has five elements throughout its duration that are intended to represent the different stages of the development of the Ethereum ecosystem. </p>
<p>  Gramatik is an openly pro-blockchain artist who has "tokenized" himself in recent years. During the launch, the artist discussed the importance of blockchain technology, how tokenize creative projects and how such tokenization allows fans and artists to profit from the "artist token". </p>
<p>  To date, the Gramatik tokenisation project has been a great success, generating 7,500 Ethereums that hold a market value of $ 2.48 million and has thousands of fans worldwide. </p>
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