Ethereum and Ripple: The Battle of the Next Best Cryptocurrency



by Patrick Ozi

Bitcoin is considered the mother of all cryptocurrencies, in which people classify Bitcoin on one side, and the rest as altcoin. This is because Bitcoin has been a pioneer of cryptocurrency and has managed to remain relevant for over nine years. Today has become a household name, once mentioned the cryptocurrency, the next thing that comes to mind is Bitcoin. Does it mean that Bitcoin has no contenders for supremacy? Naturally, Ethereum and Ripple are considered two main contenders of Bitcoin.

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You might feel that the comparison between Bitcoin and altcoin might be too early, but we do not underestimate the skills of Ethereum and Ripple. Both have gone well in the encrypted market and are gradually becoming family names and have also managed to remain relevant in the encrypted world, each with unique solutions in the financial sector. So maybe not now, but soon one of these two altcoins could soon overtake Bitcoin.

Between Ethereum and Ripple, who could overthrow Bitcoin in the future?

Present Value vs. Potential

Already Ethereum is catching up with Bitcoin in terms of trade volume and coin value, it is currently the second largest cryptocurrency. On the other hand, the current value of Ripple is poor compared to Ethereum, but Ripple should not be underestimated because it has more potential considering the number of partnerships it has made and the nature of its system.

Marketing Strategy [19659003ConsiderandolastrategiadimarketingdiEthereumeRippleliconsidereròanchenellabattagliaperlasupremaziaperchéentrambelestrategiesonosingolarmentedifferentiMentreEthereumsicommercializzacomecriptovalutadiutilitàutilizzatacomemezzodiscambioRipplesiproponecomeprogettochesperadirisolvereilproblemadeilimitigeograficinelsettorebancario

Ethereum edge [19659003] The blockchain of Ethereum is designed much like Bitcoin. It's like a conventional cryptocurrency, but it's not just a means of exchange. It has a distinct feature: its ability to serve smart contracts on its blockchain. Its usefulness is as extensive as other cryptocurrency projects can be built on the Ethereum platform. It can also be a memory for information and distributes secure cloud storage for nodes.

The characteristic that gives an advantage to Ethereum on Ripple and Bitcoin is the fact that its cause of use is unlimited. It is not limited to being a currency, but has a number of other features, so the adaptive nature of Ethereum can help it bring about a revolution in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Ripple & # 39; s edge

Ripple XRP may not be as high as one hundred dollars as Ethereum but certainly has some features that give it an edge over Ethereum.

Firstly, Ripple is both a well-established company (Ripple Labs, Inc.) and a cryptocurrency (XRP). Its purpose is to make payment transactions more efficient, faster, more global and less expensive. Transactions that use XRP are speculated to be 100% faster and cheaper than Bitcoin.

Secondly, the Ripple project, both of the company and of the cryptocurrency, has strong partnerships with numerous banks. One of Ripple's significant partnerships is with MoneyGram, which will see MoneyGram using XRP as a payment option. Western Union also plans to establish the XRP payment option with its proposed Ripple xRapid solution.

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