Erik of NEO thinks of Ethereum as the King of the intelligent contract will swallow the market capitalization of Bitcoin

Erik of NEO thinks of Ethereum as the King of the intelligent contract will swallow the market capitalization of Bitcoin

While it had a spirited start to Asia's response to the intelligent giant of Ethereum, it has since begun to lose ground against its rivals. This is, at least, in the context of where he was with his glory days of 2017, and his comparative & # 39; Annus Horibilis & # 39; of 2018.

It was during that year that NEO he had gained positive reputation as a more efficient, dynamic and effective ethereal challenger. With a reputation for being faster, as well as being able to handle more transactions at a faster pace, it was hard to say how much his hype was inflated.

Flash forward from its golden period to now, however, and the statistics behind it are disappointing, with NEO of total market capitalization is reduced by $ 10 billion in one year. So the question after all this is simple: what happened in the name of Gods?

A question of NEO and co-founder, Da Hongfei According to Erik Zhang

While the $ 10 billion fall is something that could keep investors away [or crying]NEO's co-founder, Erik Zhang, does not seem too busted about it.

"I'm not interested in NEO's price and market capitalization at all"

Zhang argued, continuing talking about his colleague and more public figures – Da Hongfei. Zhang himself, as well as being a co-founder, was also one of his main developers and went on to explain the quality that distinguishes Hongfei from himself.

"Da had more visibility to the public, while my contributions were more focused on GitHub."

One of the reasons why Zhang's lack of concern about the market fall comes from his own desire to see the community and the practicality of the NEO improve. For Zhang, a game of run-up on market value seems to be an exercise in futility if the underlying project does not live up to the evaluation and the respective expectations.

The improper term "Chinese-Ethereum"

While NEO has achieved an early reputation among users and journalists as a direct challenger Ethereum, Zhang takes a thorough position on this, arguing that it was never meant to be commercialized or promoted to be placed alongside Ethereum.

Although this is not a rebuke of Ethereum, which Eric Zhang holds in high regard, but the two are dissimilar, connected only by the correlations drawn by journalists and some users.

While the project was launched in China, Zhang has always thought of it as a truly internationalized initiative; with developers around the world working to implement and innovate on it.

NEO on privacy and digital identity

Cybersecurity and digital attacks have shaken the foundations of a large number of business models and blockchain is one of the areas trying to capitalize on it. Zhang himself discussed the absolute necessity of bringing privacy controls and digital identification into the decentralized world.

NEOid is one of those same products that Zhang tries to incorporate into the blockchain.

"NeoID is an important component that facilitates the development of digital identity."

Zhang continued to argue that no blockchain can afford, nor should, disassociate itself from the real economy.

"What is in NEO's plan is to use the blockchain to enhance the real economy, and we firmly believe that NEO will build the future of smart economy."

Cryptocurrency in the future: the perspective of Zhang

According to Zhang, the institutional interest in blockchain technology has clearly been extended to the financial sector. But according to him, these same institutions will not be able to make a significant dent in the blockchain world.

"I do not think that traditional financial institutions can achieve real results in the blockchain field because in my opinion, the nature of the blockchain is to reduce the cost of relocation of trust through decentralization."

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