ECC leads to cryptocurrency, an expert blockchain for a free public program


Elgin Community College will host a free event next week on the themes of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Rohit Tandon, CEO and founder of Chainworks, based in Chicago, will talk about "Enterprise Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and the Road Ahead" at 6:30 pm Sept. 13 at the ECC Spartan Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

According to an ECC press release, the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the natural use cases for business blockchain and the engagement with blockchain technology will be discussed.

role in finance and commerce, the blockchain is infused into legal environments through "intelligent contacts" and in the management of production and supply chain through distributed accounting technology ", stated Marc Battista, mid-dean of sustainability, CCE business and career technologies publication "ECC recognizes the potential of the blockchain as a disruptive force that will permeate many different industries and we want to help the community better understand the technology and its uses."

Tandon was the main responsible blockchain by, consultant blockchain at Thought.Live and CEO of, according to ECC, was Oracle's global product strategist, led Oracle's North American business intelligence and technology consultancy and was part of board of iControl, an important payment processor for the reta sector il.

ECC will also host a workshop on blockworks technology and cryptocurrency of Chainworks from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm October 17th. The program is open to the public and costs $ 250.

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