Vault Coin (VLTC) sold -0.94% against the dollar during the last day of the day closed at 11:00 on August 19, EST. Vault Coin currently has a market cap of $ 1,950 and its 24-hour trading volume is around $ 1. In the 7-day interval, Vault Coin is -0.16% versus to the dollar with a movement of 1.17% in the last 60 minutes.
Now let's have a look at how similar cryptocurrencies have performed in the last 24 hours:
- Stellar Holdings (HOLD) is currently at $ 0.00 compared to the & # 39 ; USD, a -7.93% variation since yesterday. The Bitcoin price of HOLD is currently equal to 0.00000004 BTC.
- Eryllium (ERY) is currently at $ 0.00 against the USD, -4.08% change since yesterday. ERY's Bitcoin price is currently 0.00000061 BTC.
- ChatCoin (CHAT) is currently at $ 0.01 against the USD, -1.15 percent change since yesterday. The Bitcoin price of CHAT is currently 0.00000215 BTC.
- Pigeoncoin (PGN) is currently at $ 0.00 against the USD, -1.91% variation since yesterday. The Bitcoin price of PGN is currently 0.00000004 BTC.
- PeepCoin (PCN) is currently at $ 0.00 against the USD, -5.22% change since yesterday. The Bitcoin price of PCN is currently 0.000000003 BTC.
- Atmos (ATMOS) is currently at $ 0.01 against the USD, a -16.05% variation since yesterday. The Bitcoin price of ATMOS is currently 0.00000133 BTC.
Coin Info
The vault coin has a maximum stock of 30.385.540 coins. It started on October 13, 2016.
From cryptocompare.com: "VaultCoin is a Proof of Work cryptocurrency based on the X11 algorithm.You can pay or send money to anyone, anywhere in the world, in the form of this currency low cost internet. "
Here are some good links for those wishing to get more information about Vault Coin: [19659013] VLTC: Info for merchants
People can get VLTC on exchanges like CCEX, Novaexchange, TradeSatoshi, LiveCoin,
It is not always possible to purchase encrypts immediately, including Vault Coin, using USD. Investors hoping to acquire VLTC may need to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum from a market that has pairs of US dollars such as Coinbase or perhaps GDAX. Traders can then use this BTC or Ethereum to invest in Vault Coin using one of the previously detailed trades.