Cryptocurrency prices Today, November 27: Cryptocurrency has collapsed again in price


Unfortunately, a person does not enter the herirdom in the most optimistic circumstances. And if everything is clear with tangible properties, then how to pass on the digital inheritance is still a great mystery to humanity. Many people do not even know about this possibility.
But it exists. And for this, The shark of the coin will share 2 ways with you, how to transmit the cryptocurrency.

Transmission models Bitcoin legacy

To store any cryptocurrency, a cryptographic portfolio it is necessary, which is protected by a "private key" – a random set of numbers and symbols. On the one hand, the key protects the cryptocurrency owner from break-ins and thefts. On the other hand, if the owner of digital coins during his life does not transfer or take care of the transfer of the key to authorized persons, his digital wealth will remain forever of anyone.

To get off the gold coins, you have to think about how to pass a private key. For example, you can write on a piece of paper or save it on your flash drive. But it's not enough. He needs a safe place to be stored. Therefore, we will proceed directly to the methods.

Method n. 1: classified data storage

One of the most reliable and protected sites for storing a private key is an archive of classified data. Through electronic archives, you can pass your keys to your favorite heirs.
The stock exchange number and the key for it are transferred to the store, where they are stored in an encrypted form. The testator grants permission to transfer Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies after his death to third parties, ie his heirs.

Method n. 2 Safe deposit box

This method is more traditional, as safety boxes are often used to transfer tangible properties. During the lifetime, the cryptocurrency owner hires a safe deposit box, stipulating a written agreement with a bank. Everything that can be stored there and one does not need to specify what is exactly inside it. Thus, through it, the wallet number and the private key are transferred to the heir, in writing on a piece of paper or a flash drive.

The heir will have access to the testator's safe, after he leaves this world.

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