Crypto panel: how blockchain startups are destroying large sectors


Cryptocurrency and blockchain hurt my head. These are complicated subjects, but they are potentially destroying many industries.

Blockchain is the transparent and secure ledger that uses decentralized calculation to allow secure transactions necessary for digital money or cryptocurrency. I moderated a panel on OKCoin to better understand how the encrypted startups are interrupting the sectors.

Our speakers included Boris Reznikov, director of Interstellar partnerships; Brendan Eich, CEO of Brave Software; and Nicholas Arqueros, Emurgo's chief technology officer. Our group of experts took place at OKCoin in San Francisco and OKCoin provided the thread of an exchange where startups could exchange their newly issued cryptocurrency tokens. (You can view the entire session on the YouTube video embedded earlier).

Blockchain has gone from being a mysterious source of scams to having its own prosperous boot ecosystem. Many blockchain projects are still experimental, but they are ambitious, trying to destroy the main industrial sectors from web browsers to digital payments.

Above: Brendan Eich of Brave Software talks to the OKCoin panel.

Image credit: OKCoin

The Eich company is hiring Google, both in the Chrome browser business and in the online advertising business model. Eich, co-founder of Mozilla and creator of the Javascript programming language, is pursuing the $ 1 trillion spent on online advertising that will happen in the coming years.

Digital ads are annoying. They can monitor and monitor users. Today, publishers are losing revenue from ad blockers and fraudulent ads can slow down web browsing. The Brave Software core attention token is therefore an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum platform. The Brave web browser blocks ads and tracking scripts that slow down browsers, but anonymously confirms the user's attention on the web pages.

"We are getting users first with a better browser, but we will build a platform and bring the token to the app," Eich said.

These page views are then converted into rewards for publishers, which are paid for with a security token. The process allows users to maintain their privacy and at the same time validate the revenue of creators that typically come from the metrics of advertising views. Brave already has 5 million users and 23,000 publishers.

Brave wants to engage with publishers to help users overcome wages that limit readers to a few articles a month. So Eich wants to stop both Chrome and adtech.

Above: Boris Reznikov of Interstellar.

Image credit: OKCoin

Boris Reznikov, director of Interstellar's partnerships, explained how the company is taking payments by bank transfer with Stellar, an Internet-level protocol for digital payments.

"It's not very efficient and desperately needs interruptions," he said.

Stellar wants to get rid of the frictions linked to cross-border payments, which are managed by Swift's traditional messaging protocol. It will do so through a distributed ledger designed to allow banks to issue fiat currencies (like the US dollar) through a decentralized exchange. This makes payments interoperable.

Stellar has recently acquired Chain, a corporate blockchain company, and the two combined to form Interstellar. Interstellar will provide Stellar's global public ledger so that companies can issue, exchange and manage resources through a scalable public network.

Stellar's wants to make assets more liquid in many industries, triggering more trade and payments.

Above: Nico Arqueros of Cardano and Emurgo

Image credit: OKCoin

Nico Arqueros, chief technology officer Emurgo, is trying to unseat Ethereum, one of the major cryptocurrencies in today's market.

The goal of Cardano is to be an intelligent contracting platform that is better than Ethereum's capabilities. He seems crazy, because Ethereum has a great advantage.

As a technology platform, Cardano will be able to run financial applications that can be used by individuals without fear of security vulnerabilities. Cardano is built on the ADA cryptocurrency, which is now available on many digital currency exchanges, including OKCoin.

Cardano emphasizes academic research, as his team includes encrypted search leaders who write academic papers. Cardano's current plan is to complete the liquidation level that ADA performs. Then it will perform a separate processing level that manages smart contracts and decentralized apps.

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