COVID, REVERSE. “He didn’t leave China.” Experts Raise EVIDENCE SHOCK: A SERIOUS Crisis THERE


New details have emerged about COVID-19. China says it has evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus hasn’t left them.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been said that the virus has left Wuhan, but almost a year after the first case, China is releasing evidence that the virus has not left their country, but India.

The claims come from Chinese scientists who use the method of phylogenetic analysis and claim that their evidence excludes the location of the virus found in Wuhan as “original” and indicates the emergence of the virus in Bangladesh, USA, Greece, Australia, India, Italy , Czech Republic Russia or Serbia. Furthermore, they added that the virus likely appeared in India during the summer 2019 heat wave, migrating from animals to people through contaminated water, before reaching Wuhan, where it was first detected. Daily mail.

What evidence does China provide?

The Chinese researchers add that viruses, like all cells, mutate as they reproduce, which means that small changes occur in their DNA every time they reproduce. Therefore, it is possible to detect the original version of the virus by finding the sample with the fewest mutations.

It all comes after both India and Bangladesh, geographically close areas, recorded low mutation samples and it is very likely that these are the places where the first infection with the new coronavirus occurred.

From May to June 2019, the second longest recorded heatwave increased in north-central India and Pakistan, creating a severe water crisis in the region. The lack of water has caused wild animals, such as monkeys, to engage in a deadly battle for water, and has certainly increased the possibility of human-wild animal interactions. Additionally, India’s poor healthcare system and young population, suffering from less severe symptoms of COVID, have allowed the virus to spread unnoticed for several months. We concluded that animal-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 could be associated with this unusual heat wave.The researchers said, citing the same source.

Accusations launched amid the China-India tensions

It is not the first time that China has pointed the finger at other countries in terms of the source of SARS-CoV-2, and it strongly claims that it has evidence for it. India is not the only country that accuses, but there have been statements against both Italy and the United States.

Furthermore, the indictment against India comes amid growing political tensions between China and India, with troops attacking each other along a disputed border on both sides.

Until then, WHO is still looking for the original source of COVID-19 in China, according to scientific data so far, which indicates this.


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