Body fats that will protect you from diabetes and obesity … Learn about them


Obesity and weight gain are two common reasons for an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Obesity is defined as a condition that develops due to the accumulation of unnecessary fat in the body, and the following report provides insight into what brown fat is and how it relates to obesity and diabetes, according to a journal. TIME NOW NEWS.

The human body is made up of different types of fats and each has a different set of functions. Fats are known to provide the body with heat called fats known as white fats, also known as white adipose tissue. This type of fat mimics the accumulation of energy in the form of fat droplets that are distributed and accumulated in parts by the body, however, the excessive accumulation of white fat in the body can cause weight gain and lead to the development of health conditions. such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. However, there is another type of fat that is not common but has the potential to protect you from obesity and diabetes.


What is brown fat?

It is a type of fat that is stored in the body together with white fat, but takes up relatively less space, the amount of mitochondria in brown fat is greater than its number in white fat because mitochondria are the center of cellular power, this property improves heat production after burning calories Through the thermogenesis process, brown fat can help burn calories and can help cope with obesity and other health conditions..

How does brown fat help prevent diabetes?

Brown fat is also called “good” fats and can help improve insulin levels in the body and control blood sugar levels. This can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and also reduce the risk of developing hyperlipidemia when fats are excreted from the blood..

How does brown fat help prevent obesity?

Brown fat helps burn unnecessary calories in the body, so it can help prevent conditions such as obesity and aid in weight management by promoting weight loss..

How is brown fat obtained?

The human body contains very little brown fat, however it is possible to build some by following a balanced and nutritious diet, exercising and exposing the body to cold temperatures, the intensity of the exercise can vary from moderate to intense..


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