Blockchain of ontology to create private smart contracts through collaboration with TEEX


The ontology blockchain announces a partnership with the TEEX computer platform through their post on the Medium blog. Through the establishment of this partnership, they plan to collaborate to develop and work on the privacy of on-chain data, as well as on security and the creation of secure solutions for the private keys of customers.

Through their collaboration they plan to use the TEEX level 2 privacy retention calculation on the public blockchain of Ontology. As a result, they will create a smart and secure contract execution environment, ensuring the privacy of those who take part in their data and security during online processing.

Dr. Ryan Yu, co-founder of TEEX, spoke about the importance of forming the partnership:

"Ontology focuses on public-chain technology, while TEEX focuses on privacy-preserving solutions TEEX's cooperation with Ontology will create the world's first high-performance MainNet with the calculation of privacy while preserving and laying a solid foundation for the blockchain implementation in the fields of AI, biomedicine and finance ".

The dott. Xianping Mao, dean of the ontological research institute, also spoke about the importance of the partnership and what it means to work with TEEX:

"Blockchain is essentially an open system: Anyone can query blockchain data through the public interface Smart contracts are the bearers of blockchain applications and the security of private data involved in smart contracts must be protected. deep knowledge of data security protection technology such as trusted computing.Ontology will explore blockchain security technologies, such as private smart contracts together with TEEX, will build functional chains with reliable computing capabilities in the Ontology chain network and will provide users with a blockchain system with functionality to run secure and efficient private smart contracts. "

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