Blockchain & Internet – Where is the evil? – BlockPublisher


Blockchain is exploding like the technology of the future. Some enthusiasts of this technology even say that it is the new internet. The decentralized and transparent nature of this technology is hailed as a game change by its supporters, since the elimination of third parties from various frameworks will surely change the way things work. The supporters of the blockchain state that it is the solution to most of the problems that exist in today's internet framework. But if it's the new Internet, there are some things that its supporters are neglecting. It is not a "panacea" as they claim to be.

In the past, when the Internet was in its early stages, it was claimed that it would revolutionize the way communication takes place in the world. He certainly did it, but think about where we are today. Social media takes up most of our time. Platforms like Facebook are taking our personal data and keeping them in their data centers, which are often violated resulting in loss of sensitive information. The ads are pushed in the face while we have our eyes glued to our devices. Online scams are not known to anyone. Negative factors snuck into a structure that was supposed to revolutionize the way we communicate. So, what's the take?

Blockchain is definitely a revolutionary technology and the prospects it offers are great, but do not think that it will solve every problem we face today in the digital world.

Bitcoin is one of the cases of the use of blockchain technology and we are already seeing many problems associated with it. Problems such as manipulation and illegal use have plagued this resource. Is the perfect and decentralized global digital currency that people claim to be? No. It has its problems.

Negativity always finds a way to penetrate. Instead of forming a separate cliché of blockchain enthusiasts who believe that every answer lies in this technology, we must take a neutral basis and see what possibilities this technology offers and how it can be used forever.

The evil does not lie in the first "Hello World" that has been printed. Evil is not found in the first message sent over the Internet. The evil is not in any machine code. It's the humans who make cars do bad things. The evil lies in us.

So apparently if blockchain is the answer to everything, what's next? Do we transfer all our thoughts on blockchain so that everyone can see what others think and find out who is evil? It's time to wake up.

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