Binance addresses the "disinformation" of cryptocurrency with the Bank of multilingual educational articles


Cryptocurrency Exchange Binance has launched a collection of educational content including nearly 500 articles to combat "wrong" and "misleading" information, a press release confirmed on December 12th.

Binance, which regularly exceeds the list of the largest exchanges in the world by volume traded, initially supports 15 languages ​​through the project.

The launch and development are a product of Binance Academy, an arm dedicated to the exchange education, which in turn started operating in August.

"Misinformation spreads extremely quickly, people often quote incorrect or misleading articles," commented Ted Lin, Binance's chief growth officer. Lin noted:

"With Binance Academy, our goal is to provide a completely neutral platform with unbiased, quality educational information."

While it remains unknown what specific information will be covered, topics will include blockchain, security and economics, as well as "useful tutorials and guides," Lin added.

The decision to launch an information resource also comes from the point of view of Bitcoin's identity.

After the turmoil of bitcoin cash forex (BCH) last month, supporters of altcoin, especially news and information resources, continue to state that Bitcoin Cash is the "real" Bitcoin, a corner that has earned the criticism of publication in the past.

The development of such resources has also become an occupation of various other entities in the cryptocurrency industry and beyond, October saw a scheme approved by Gibraltar from the government to develop blockchain education courses.

Co-founder of Ethereum Joseph ConsinSys of Joseph Lubin – a blockchain startup and incubator – in collaboration with the Coursera online training platform, together with the University of Oxford professors, have also presented separate blockchain educational plans.

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