Bahar Candan, back on the screens with Doya Doya Moda, was the event with its final form! Bahar Candan is not satisfied with aesthetics … – Gallery


Bahar Candan, who became famous with the My Style contest, gained weight and managed to get back on the agenda with Doya Doya Moda. Bahar Candan, who has put on weight for Doya Doya Moda, in which 42 competitors of size can participate, has already managed to attract attention with her controversy. Bahar Candan, one of Doya Doya Moda’s contestants, has entered the language of social media with her latest posts on her social media account. Despite his young age, Bahar Candan, who attracted attention with his cosmetic operations, was the event. While the change in Bahar Candan’s lips did not go unnoticed, comments came from his followers. Here is the latest version of Bahar Candan, who is not satisfied with aesthetics …


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