Atari works with Animoca to put "RollerCoaster Tycoon" on the blockchain


The video game and video game company Atari SA today announced a partnership with Animoca Brands Ltd. to publish blockchain-based versions of classic Atari games.

As part of the partnership, Animoca will receive the rights to develop and publish blockchain-based versions of the Atari "RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch" and "Goon Squad" mobile device titles globally, excluding China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.

Blockchain is a distributed accounting technology that provides a reliable and cryptographic historical record that records transactions and provides accounting for currencies. The same technology is used for the most popular cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum.

The "RollerCoaster Tycoon" series was chosen because the "RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch" game has over 19 million downloads globally and has recently added water parks and restaurants during a successful launch. As a result, free-to-play gaming and its tokens would be widely used, providing a powerful platform for Atari to experiment with blockchain integration in its games.

Animoca will also assist Atari in the exploration of product development using blockchains and games, even if the two companies have not specified exactly what this means.

"This agreement is a special moment for me because I started my career working with Atari and using Atari computers," said Yat Siu, co-founder and president of Animoca Brands. "The franchise & # 39; RollerCoaster Tycoon & # 39; is, like many of Atari's properties, a true evergreen, having been around for two decades Given the strategic and commercial elements of this incredibly fun simulation, it's a perfect candidate for the blockchain adaptation. "

"RollerCoaster Tycoon" is a franchise game that puts players in the position of being the manager of an amusement park. Players build entertainment venues including coaster rides, carousels, water slides and other attractions and therefore must manage customer expectations – such as food and toilet facilities – as well as maintaining security and ticket sales.

The blockchain adaptation of these games is expected to be integral tokens that can not be determined as a form of monetization. Tokens are common methods of monetization in the mobile app market as part of the free-to-play model, where the game is free to download and play, but the benefits within the game are sold for small amounts of money, often exchanged for gambling chips.

This is a common use of blockchain technology in several industries, although it is not necessary to monetize because tokens can be produced by any company. The addition of a blockchain can increase trust in the tokens themselves, providing proof of cryptographic ownership, but this benefit goes to the publisher because players often do not own the tokens, which are only part of the platform.

According to the annual report of SuperData Research Holdings Inc., the free games generated an incredible turnover of $ 82 billion, or 89% of the total revenue generated, in 2017, both on PC and on mobile devices. From the report, one in three people in the world, or about 2.5 billion people, played free-to-play games in 2017 on personal computers or mobile devices.

Game publishers and developers seeking to integrate blockchain technology have seen some movements in 2018. In February of this year, the Gaming Standards Association announced the establishment of standards for the use of blockchain in games . Gaming companies also explored tokenization and monetization when the game engine company Crytek GmbH and Crycash collaborated and Unity Technologies SF joined GameCredits Inc.

More recently, Razer Inc., maker of PC and peripheral games, has released the blockchain app "mining" of Gamma Innovation Inc. that allows players to earn tokens to be part of the process.

The first two new Atari games developed by Animoca will be published in the second half of 2019. The end of the agreement between the two companies extends until March 31, 2022, leaving time for other Atari games to get the blockchain treatment.

Image: Atari

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