Archeology News: Discovery of 2,800-Year-Old Black Obelisk Proves Bible to be Accurate Science | news


“Thanks to the ancient Assyrian stone carvers and the chance finding of this object, we have the only known image of an Israelite king.

“Jehu was not of royal lineage, but a commander of the Israelite army.

“After being anointed king by Elisha the prophet, Jehu undertook a coordinated attack and killed Joram, king of Israel, Ahaziah, king of Judah, and Jezebel, the queen, along with all of Ahab’s family. Thus, Jehu effectively eliminated the worship of Baal from Israel.

“Then he took the throne of the northern kingdom of Israel in the capital of Samaria and, probably to make his throne more secure, he submitted to the superpower of the time, the Assyrian kingdom and its leader Shalmaneser; this submission is so beautifully illustrated on the obelisk black.

“This extra-biblical discovery which mentions and portrays Jehu proves once again that the historical accuracy of the Bible stands up to scrutiny.”

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