Air Canada puts its name behind Blockchain • The Company Dime


Air Canada is in talks with Blockskye and Winding Tree on ways to use their blockchain technologies in distribution, corporate contracts and liquidation. Announced at the end of October, this latest report would have led the airline to connect its NDC-compliant application programming interface to a public blockchain, according to Air Canada's global product distribution director, Keith Wallis.

It's all theoretical for the moment. Wallis said he decided it is important to publicly support the blockchain to improve its credibility.

Air Canada's director of global Keith Wallis product distribution

"I am very close to our joint-venture colleagues in United and Lufthansa," Wallis said. "Lufthansa was a great supporter in the beginning, some other airlines put their toes in the water, I've always been intrigued I like the idea of ​​an open network where access is free and free market rules apply.No one is fixing taxes.You come and get what you need and pay only the cost of the network.It is safe and secure This hit me as a great opportunity to upset the market and the market needs some disruption.

"Do not disrespect the incumbents, but we have a distribution network not established to promote innovation," added Wallis. "After everyone has earned a little profit, the money on the market is spent 100% for the acquisition and retention of customers and users, there is no money left for research and development."

Wallis' excitement about potential does not make him believe "he will be here next month". Winding Tree is "at the start of his journey," Wallis said.

Air Canada is not investing in either player; nor is he buying the Winding Tree cryptocurrency.

Wallis acknowledged that blockchain transactions were too slow for many functions in air distribution, but he said he expected it to increase over time.

"The greatest barriers are knowledge, competence and trust," he said. "People are risk-averse, they want the other guy to go first."

Blockskye confirmed the talks. Winding Tree officials did not respond to a request for information.

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