AI, Blockchain, Lizard Brain and how we consume – Irish Tech News


Humans are extraordinary creatures. When we are in a state of calm, we are intelligent, compassionate, long-term thinkers, collaborators and social wizards. However, when the part of our brain responsible for the crisis, the amygdala, is hijacked, we return to the lizard brain and a whole set of survival mechanisms thicken. We become emotional monsters of panic, irrational and easily manipulated, mainly by fear. While these made sense in the savannah to avoid a snake, they are incredibly counterproductive in a modern society where we both have the ability to make changes to the globe in this state and, more importantly, snakes know they can manipulate us.

Whether they are terrorists who use mass media coverage to get a disproportionate level of influence over their actual power, or that Facebook and Google manipulate the flow of content that is seen to cause a certain profitable behavior for a customer who pays them , our trends like humans are well documented and unfortunately easily exploitable. Big data brought incredible benefits with it, but one of the byproducts was a huge increase in the data available on us, our decision trends and how to influence these trends. This trend will only increase exponentially as biotechnological information grows prevalently and data on our physiological responses to the stimulus can be measured directly.

With sufficient training, time and repetition, individuals can learn to overcome these biological responses and respond in a measured and rational way to materials designed to trigger certain behaviors. However, two things are working against us; 1) irrationality is a cycle of reinforcement where if all around you irrationally respond, the temptation as a social animal grows and grows to join them and 2) it is exhausting to work constantly against your biology. It's like the first time you drive from the other side of the road and all your instincts are wrong, so you constantly have to consciously consider the sub-routines that usually work in the subconscious. So our options as a company in the current state are:

  • Contribute to these algorithms (or other manipulation techniques) and be influenced by the whims of those who are trying to influence our behavior regardless of their intentions, or
  • Relying on a great mass of humanity to make increasingly difficult and unpleasant conscious and consistent decisions that are contrary to their biology

These decisions are unpleasant because it is surprising to find a Facebook eco-friendly content room or rah rah nationalistically when a government goes yippi-kay-yaying after a terrorist group. Short stroke dopamine 4 lyfe! I mean my word, look at the resources that are being poured into evolving ways to influence human behavior through big data compared to the resources put into psychology, mental mapping and the formation of individual decision-making processes, etc. Without a course correction, I think we know which of these two options is most likely.

Now this may seem anti-big data and trust me, I'm not like that. Data-driven decision-making is one of the most important things humans have to aspire to, but it's all about who controls that data, who's setting up the algorithm that uses that data to determine decisions and what's 39; final goal which is maximizing for. In today's world, data-driven decisions are being taken continuously, except for the fact that they are made on your behalf and without your consent from Google, Facebook, mass media, governments and yes, although they are clichés, terrorists. They are taking advantage of your biological tendencies and the brain of the lizard to make these decisions and certainly have not been done to directly favor your personal well-being.

So it's time to let your data drive decisions to your advantage and start with the repatriation of your data. Imagine a world in which you have a decision algorithm that suggests content or decisions based on what will maximize your well-being or the well-being of your neighborhood or whatever you have set. The algorithms are by definition ultra-rational, so in the short term a well structured algo could start working to take charge of the decisions made on your behalf and suggesting alternative courses of action, alternative products, alternative content or to turn off the phone altogether and go up your neighbor five. Imagine a Fitbit or a Nike Fuelband that tracks your habits, provides suggestions and develops your progress, but instead of limiting yourself to fitness, it does so for all your decisions and habits towards a goal you've set and without spending all your data on Nike or Google. Now a world where no product or content producer knows anything about me is not ideal for you either can he share your data with Nike to make sick shoes, but they have to pay you explicitly for this and accept the terms of use of such data just like any other intellectual property, what the data is.

Now Nike is an example where they can distribute a product directly from the data, but what about the millions of other creators of products and content that want to better understand their audience? Or other, more useful AI creators who need data to train their AIs? Currently their answer is to pay exorbitant costs to Google, Amazon and Facebook to learn what Google and Facebook say they are true about certain human archetypes (or how dystopically calls them "resembling audiences") based on their accumulated accumulated data. .. .. or are you free to create a product based on Alexa? Do you know what your real Google profile is? You can download your raw data (after about a thousand passes), but most of us have no idea what it means, how it is used or how to start using it to our advantage.

Instead, imagine a world where creators of smaller content or product creators can publish a size directly for a certain type of target consumer on an open data market to test their products, read their content and share their experiential data directly according to some terms of use. Instead of hidden in a cloud or accessible in unreadable format, a user's data profile will be a dashboard that shows an integrated view of habits, decisions, preferences and history that updates in real time and shows what data consumers are willing to pay for you to share specific data and what makes them valuable. This profile can be started immediately with what already exists from Google, LinkedIn and Uber, but it grows to incorporate what the user wants to incorporate from games, to commuting choices, to user-controlled energy consumption. and able to be shared at any level of granularity is agreed.

Even more powerful, when the data is an open market and controlled by its owners, an AI algorithm maker could publish a bounty open to everyone for the source (or license) of the exact data exactly from the type of archetype that is trying to analyze and create incredibly diverse set of algorithms that maximize for all kinds of results. Consumers could also do the opposite and send bounties and data packets to algo creators to create algorithms aimed at helping that specific person make better decisions based on pre-selected criteria. An open data market and the sovereignty of data is absolutely essential to ensure that the incomprehensible value created by the unstoppable and unstoppable revolution of big data, infotech and biotechnology is distributed relatively evenly throughout the population.

Can we do it with today's technology and landscape? Potentially, but we face three critical challenges;

  1. How to trust that the data generated by an individual to his advantage are not false
  2. How to make small repetitive payments economically feasible for something like collecting data in real time as the current payment infrastructure is not reduced to this level
  3. How to easily trust that any recipient of data will execute both payments and will follow the conditions of use

It is here that the blockchain becomes fundamental to move forward this paradigm of self-sovereign data. Blockchain has the ability to create verified, immutable "data passports" consisting of both validated off-line historical data and ongoing on-chain actions that enable trust in data without necessarily trusting the individual. The ability of Blockchain to enable the direct and global transfer of peer-to-peer values ​​with a click of a button (ok several buttons) and for a few cents allows also this collection of hyper-granular data and paid by both users and by autonomous IOT devices. Finally, the possibility of having a validated action occurring within a set of parameters (for example a user watched a complete video) activates the payment without any human intervention (for example an intelligent contract) allows on both sides of the transactions to fully trust each other's intelligent contract. Blockchain is not a panacea, it is an important evolution on a scale of what is possible. It is in the early stages and there are numerous valid quibbles with the features listed above, but in other words, blockchain enables things and models that are not possible today.

While the combination of infotech, biotech and big data becomes more and more advanced and the world becomes more complicated, artificial intelligence, algorithms and data-driven decision making will become the only way to operate. All of these are fueled by data, and to keep free will with people, it's critical that you redirect that power to work for those who create the best data instead of those who simply created the best way to acquire data and try to make decisions. in your name. Blockchain is not the complete answer, but it is an incredibly important tool to allow the real economy of this open data market to make sense.

There are no personalized AI algorithms today, but you still have a computer of meat that can be intelligent, rational and compassionate and can do something immediately: think. Think about why you are seeing a piece of content. Did you look specifically for it or was it suggested by something external to you? Think about what emotion or behavior you try to be aroused by you and if you want to do it in a purely rational mental state. Think about what's important for you in 5 years and if the rush of dopamine right now helps or hinders your long-term goal. Search for services that do not keep track of your data or allow you to start accumulating them on your own, even if yes, they will be much less convenient in the short term. Nobody is asking you to become a meditative magician, but try to get into the habit of activating your human brain against your lizard brain, at least when it comes to big decisions or soon enough even decision on how to make decisions can be done for you.

By Alex McDougall, who is Chief Investment Officer and co-founder of Bicameral Ventures, a venture capital fund focused on the catalysing of the avant-garde blockchain. He is an expert speaker, investor is consultant for the entire life cycle of companies. See more on and twitter @bicameralcrypto

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