Here’s how the iPhone 12 withstands an underwater test conducted at CNET


According to official information, the iPhone 12 is capable of being submerged for up to 30 minutes at a maximum depth of six meters. As on other occasions, CNET wanted to verify this information and obtained the most interesting results.

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The team responsible for these tests used Lake Tahoe and an iPhone connected to an underwater drone with a camera to see what happened to the phone during the dive. After 30 minutes at a depth of 6 meters at a temperature of 11 degrees, the iPhone 12 continued to function normally.

In the video they highlight that the sound from the speaker was slightly muffled or muffled, something that, no doubt, it will return to normal when the phone has dried completely and has been able to expel water from the acoustic cavity.

In a second test, they immerse the iPhone 12 at 20 meters for 40 minutes. As expected, everything on the iPhone continued to work normally Not to mention the sound from the speakers, it was still muffled.

After drying the device for 72 hours, a certain degree of humidity is observed under the front camera glass. Also, when you turn on the phone, a diagnostic screen appears, which appears to be designed to gather information about the phone situation, aware that something is not going as it should.

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We have already seen on other occasions how some Apple devices have withstood unthinkable periods of time immersed or floating in the oceans. Beyond the curiosity of these events, what we can be sure of is that our iPhone 12 will emerge unscathed from almost any occasional drop.

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