The pandemic would be stopped if 70% of the population wore the mask correctly, the study reveals


Although the use of masks has already been widely recommended to slow the spread of Covid-19, a Singapore study goes even further.

“The very effective face masks, such as surgical masks […] could lead to the eradication of the pandemic if at least 70% of residents use them constantly in public “. This is the conclusion of a study conducted in Singapore and published in the journal Fluid physics on November 24, 2020. Researchers reviewed epidemiological reports and face protection research. And the latter finally, drastically reducing the number of people to whom an infected individual transmits the pathogen, the coronavirus.

More or less protective masks, for a limited period

However, the type of material and the duration of use the mask plays a key role in their effectiveness. We know that when a person with Covid-19 speaks, sneezes, coughs, breathes, vomits more or less large contaminated droplets, from 5 to 10 µm (microns) thicker – in comparison, hair is around 70 µm in diameter. Projections below 5 µm are the most dangerous. But only the file N95 (or FFP2) masks it can filter out those tiny, aerosol-sized drops. As a reminder, they would be at least 95% effective against 0.3 µm particles.

But according to the study authors, “even the cloth masks less effective it could also slow down the spread if they are worn regularly. They also remember that on the nose for too long hours, face protection lose efficiency. After four hours they are moistened by breathing and no longer adequately filter the particles. A phenomenon that can also be at the origin of other pathologies, such as skin problems (dryness, eczema, irritation, acne). To avoid them, discover 5 tips to support the mask all day.

So many measures to stop the coronavirus

Through this analysis, the scientists then point out once again the importance of consistent use of masks to combat the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus – and even, completely stem the pandemic if 70% of the world population wore it correctly. At the same time, other strategies also aim to slow its progression, such as the imprisonment in France or some the vaccination campaigns that are starting to be organized in different countries of the world with announcements on the development of effective vaccines by laboratories.

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