5 reasons why you should eat bananas every day


Bananas are extremely healthy and delicious, contain many essential nutrients and provide benefits for digestion, heart health and aid in weight loss. Bananas can be considered a snack, as well as being rich in vitamin B6, and a good source. of vitamin C and manganese.

The nutrition department at Singapore’s Tiong Bahru Center for Community Health explains why you should eat bananas every day.

1- Bananas are the best sources of Vitamin B6
Your body easily absorbs vitamin B6 from bananas, and a medium-sized banana can provide about a quarter of your daily vitamin B6 requirement.

Vitamin B6 helps your body to: produce red blood cells, cleanse the liver and kidneys, and maintain a healthy nervous system, and it is also beneficial for pregnant women because it helps meet their children’s growth needs.

2- Bananas are one of the most important sources of vitamin C.
A medium sized banana provides about 10% of your daily requirement of vitamins which helps to: protect your body from cell and tissue damage, make your body absorb iron better, your body produces collagen, which it is the protein that binds your skin, bones and body together, and supports brain health through the production of the hormone serotonin, it is a hormone that affects our sleep cycle and moods.

3. Bananas are rich in manganese
A medium sized banana provides about 13% of the daily manganese requirement, and manganese helps the body produce collagen and protects the skin and other cells from free radical damage.

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4. Rich in potassium, which is beneficial for heart health and blood pressure
A medium-sized banana provides about 320-400 mg of potassium, which satisfies about 10% of the daily potassium requirement.
Potassium helps your body maintain a healthy heart. Additionally, bananas are low in sodium, and the combination of low sodium and high potassium helps control hypertension.

5. Banana helps with digestion
An average banana provides about 10-12% of your daily fiber requirement, and the Singapore Health Promotion Board recommends a daily dietary fiber intake of 20 grams for women and 26 grams for men.
Soluble and insoluble fiber play an important role in your health, soluble fiber helps your body control blood sugar and get rid of fatty substances such as cholesterol and insoluble fiber facilitates bowel movements, which helps maintain your gut healthy and safe from harmful bacteria. .

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