FIFA 21 is less than a month away from joining the New Generation


There are just under 1 month to FIFA 21 from the next generation consoles and recently Electronic Arts has launched another firelighter for the fire of expectations that the moment is generating.

As we’ve been following (here or here), New Generation console games are definitely a step above and expectations for FIFA 21’s arrival are on the rise.

The arrival of FIFA 21 on the new generation of consoles is coming and the game is expected to arrive on December 4th.

According to Electronic Arts, "High-end audio, visuals and movement lead players to immerse themselves in the world of gaming like never before".

The Frostbite engine will once again be at the service of FIFA 21 and we are curious to see it in action on the New Generation consoles. Not to mention everything else which involves fast loading times, improved player sounds and movements, as well as more realistic soccer environments.

With the new EA SPORTS GameCam inspired by the look of football broadcasts and the implementation of LiveLight Rendering (a deferred lighting system) FIFA 21 will try to present on the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles, as the most immersive gaming experience until to date.

With the new Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X features, players should show even more authentic movements, more realistic and responsive feints, and more believable shocks and bounces at any point in the game.

Another detail that, according to EA Sports will become even more profound, is the humanization of the off-ball. That is the simulation of the player's behavior in the aspects less related to the ball, but which take place on the field, for example, a player who adjusts the shin guards at the 89th minute.

Thanks to Frostbite, the virtual representation of players in a more credible and real way will also be allowed, such as, for example, a greater definition of the players' physique, including flexible muscles after bumps and the physical appearance of the best players, combined with dynamic lighting that accentuates the faces and kits of the players to a new level of realism.

The show-off part before and after the matches will also receive news. Aspects like the arrival of the team coach at the stadium, the passing of the fans through tourniquets. These are details, but they add a little more space to the game.

During live matches, new contextual players, benches and fan reactions respond to key game situations, allowing players to feel the explosive passion and intense drama of great goal moments.

"We are thrilled to deliver a new level of authenticity that will immerse players in the game like never before once they step onto the virtual pitch in FIFA 21.Commented Aaron McHardy, executive producer, EA SPORTS FIFA. "With superior immersion experiences that bring to life the most recognized professional stadiums and gamers, the technology behind these next-generation consoles opens up a world of possibilities for how gamers will experience global games this year and into the future.".

Faster uploads and DualSense

EA Sports also promises ultra-fast charging times. As we've seen with the games we've tested for Playstation 5, loading times are pretty much a thing of the past and FIFA 21 shouldn't be out of the ordinary.

Plus, for those with PlayStation 5, PlayStation Activities will make sure to get players straight to the action, allowing them to jump right from the PlayStation home screen to their favorite game modes.

On the other hand, the rich and responsive touch technology through the new DualSense will allow players to feel the impact of hits, passes and touch and feel the rhythm of the game in their hands.

December 4th is day F, when FIFA 21 reaches the New Generation.

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