PlayStation 5, an activity that seems out of control. How many consoles has a British speculator got his hands on?


PlayStation 5 was one of the most anticipated consoles in history. Ever since Sony’s PS4 console took over the Xbox through numerous exclusives and good customer service, the expectation for the new generation has reached enormous heights.

But PS5 stocks were not in line with demand, and many other malicious people tried to speculate on the matter.

A group of “bishops” from the UK, called CrepChiefNotify, managed to seize no less than 3,500 PlayStation 5 consoles, which they then resold at a premium price. The practice is common lately, when the demand for the new console has increased dramatically.

Even in Romania such cases have been seen in recent weeks, and the prices of the “old” PS5 have even reached 7000-8000 lei, against the 2500 which officially costs the variant of the optical group.

Returning to the situation in England, the group in question managed to buy many consoles with the help of bots programmed to buy from large online retailers as soon as they announced new stocks.

Given that in many markets Sony has avoided selling its physical product in stores and made the PS5 a commodity available exclusively online, it can be said that the Japanese should have thought better before making such a decision. allowing speculators an easier way to buy, Business Insider notes.

The exact date on which the PS5 stocks will be integrated is not yet known, and if I wanted to opt for an Xbox Series X | Yes, you should know that the situation is not too good on the green side either. Microsoft is also addressing inventory issues, foreseeing April 2021 as a plausible deadline to integrate them.

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