Michael Flynn: Apparently Donald Trump wants to forgive the former security adviser


According to media reports, outgoing US President Donald Trump wants to forgive his former security adviser Michael Flynn. Trump is said to have told confidants he wanted to forgive Flynn and others while he was still in office. Several media outlets, including the New York Times and CNN, reported this, citing people familiar with the matter.

Flynn was the first former member of the Trump administration to plead guilty to Trump in an investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. He confessed to lying to the FBI while investigating the so-called affair. Russia.

In January, however, he asked the court to withdraw his confession. With the warning, Flynn risked an open outcome – from an acquittal to a lengthy prison sentence.

Trump had already considered a grace earlier this year. According to him, Flynn didn’t break a law. He regularly referred to the FBI investigation into the Russian affair as a “witch hunt”.

FBI Special Investigator Robert Mueller had found no evidence in his investigation, which was concluded about a year ago, that there had been secret agreements between Trump’s campaign team and representatives of Russia prior to the 2016 election. In his report, Mueller did not rule out an obstacle to Trump’s judicial investigation. However, the president found himself completely exonerated from Mueller’s findings.

Trump had begun the process of handing over to Joe Biden shortly before the media reported on his pardon plans. He has not yet admitted his defeat in the US elections.

The Flynn case wasn’t Trump’s first forgiveness of the day. During the traditional Thanksgiving ceremony in which a turkey is held out of the oven, the current president did not mention being elected out of office. Instead, he celebrated the new record of more than 30,000 points in the leading US Dow Jones index, described the coronavirus again as the “Chinese virus”, welcomed progress in vaccine development and affirmed his political motto ” America First “.

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