Gaming: rumors of a Microsoft manager: Xbox was close to death | Message


No team leaders and no CEOs: chaos at Microsoft

Spencer can convince Nadella that the Xbox division is valuable

Today the Xbox is one of the most popular consoles in the world

A few months after the launch of Xbox One Microsoft should have cut almost the entire division and left the gaming console market to Sony. In an interview with Shacknews, current Xbox boss Phil Spencer talks about the company’s internal uncertainties that made it more difficult to work on Xbox in 2013 and 2014.

Xbox president Don Mattrick resigns

One of the company’s internal uncertainties was the resignation of then Xbox boss Don Mattrick. When, according to Spencer, the Xbox team received negative reactions after the console was unveiled at the E3 game show, it had no leader and was spread across the company. There was Marc Whitten’s platform team, Spencer’s first-party gaming team in another department of the company, and a separate marketing team, which made launching incredibly difficult.

“We have it [trotzdem] and Xbox One launched around the clock, “Spencer told Shacknews. Xbox One launched in November 2013.

Change CEO: new head of Microsoft Satya Nadella

In addition, changes in the level of management at Microsoft had made things more difficult: while the Xbox division was unmanaged, the position of CEO of Microsoft had to be filled again. As Steve Ballmer’s successor, current CEO Satya Nadella has taken over the management of the company. Faced with stiff Xbox competition from Sony’s Playstation in 2014, Nadella had to have the entertainment division checked to see if it was worth enough to keep it alive. Spencer managed to convince him, as he explained in an interview: “[Satya] and I had a discussion and [] I said, you know, gaming can be a very important customer segment for the company. “He didn’t quite understand it []because he hadn’t had much to do with it before. But he was ready to count on us and our team. ”

Spencer rebuilds the Xbox team

Mainly because there were no other responsible people available, Spencer came in for the Xbox boss like this: “We make as many decisions as possible in the best interest of our players,” was the team’s motto, which has since worked on new together says Spencer.

According to Statista, Xbox consoles are among the best-selling consoles in the world and therefore contribute significantly to Microsoft’s business value. Their market value is approximately US $ 1.6 trillion (as of November 19, 2020).

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