Excavations in Pompeii reveal slave and master fleeing the eruption of Vesuvius – News


The two skeletons were found during excavations that take place 700 meters northwest of Pompeii, in a large village on the outskirts of the famous Roman city.

The bodies were in a 2.20 meter wide corridor that gave access to the upper floor of the village, where archaeologists found cavities in the layers of hardened ash. By casting plaster, according to the technique invented by Giuseppe Fiorelli in 1867, they were able to reconstruct the bodies in their original position. The eruption would have surprised both victims who tried to escape.

According to The Guardian, investigators say they are two men, one between the ages of 30 and 40 who, due to his tunic and bone structure, is a rich man, and the other between the ages of 18 and 25. years that he would be a slave, with marks on his vertebrae, a sign of hard work.

Pompeii, buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in the year 79 AD. C., is the second most visited site in Italy after the Colosseum in Rome, with around four million visitors in 2019. Only one third of the city, which currently covers 44 hectares near Naples, has been excavated by archaeologists.

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