Honduras calls for global help to deal with the hurricane calamity


Eta and Iota hit the country just two weeks apart, causing destruction, 91 deaths and tens of thousands of victims.


Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández has called for global help to rebuild his country, which he says is going through a “great calamity” due to the devastation left by powerful hurricanes Eta and Iota in their wake.

Honduras, like other nations in the region, was hit by both storms this month with a difference of just two weeks, causing floods, landslides, severe damage to infrastructure and homes, damage to crops, at least 91 deaths and dozens of thousands of victims in the country.

“We are in a situation of great calamity and we need the world to help us,” the president said in a meeting with international media correspondents on Thursday evening 19-N.

Hernández said the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is conducting a damage assessment from both storms at the request of Honduras, which entered Central America via Nicaragua as a dangerous Category 4 hurricane.

The ravages of cyclones add to the already fragile situation in Honduras due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, which will cause a 7.0% decline in the economy this year, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

“Never has the country been hit so hard so continuously,” said Hernández.

Iota, the strongest hurricane ever recorded in Nicaragua, hit the country’s Caribbean coast on Monday, flooding low-lying areas that were still impacted by Eta in early November, leaving about 40 dead so far in Central America and Colombia. .

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