Corona news Saturday: almost 23 thousand new infections in Germany


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Compared to the value of a week ago, 500 more cases have been reported. Last Saturday, the number of new infections reported was 22,461. The peak was reached on Friday with 23,648 cases reported. However, the number of new infections is only partially comparable to that of previous weeks, as RKI, among other things, has adjusted the recommendations for corona tests on who should still be tested. The step was necessary as more and more laboratories were reaching their limits. But the decision could affect the number of new infections and the rate of positive tests. (Read more here.)

Since the start of the pandemic, RKI has counted a total of 902,528 infections detected by Sars-CoV-2 in Germany. The number of deaths related to the virus increased by 254 from Saturday to a total of 13,884. The RKI estimates that around 593,100 people have now recovered.

According to RKI’s situation report on Friday, the so-called seven-day R was 1.05 (previous day: 0.99). This means that, on average, each person infected with SARS-CoV-2 infects about one other person. The value represents the occurrence of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. If it is less than 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

Virologists and doctors for longer anti-corona measures

5.45: Several virologists and doctors believe that an extension or even a tightening of the previous restrictions is necessary in view of the continuing high number of corona infections.

»The goal was to achieve a significant reduction in new infections. Almost three weeks after the start of the measurements, however, we are not seeing a significant drop, but rather a lateral movement, “said the chief virologist of the University of Heidelberg, Hans-Georg Krausslich, of” Rhein-Neckar- Zeitung. “So it is clear that the real goal has not been achieved.

Virologist Alexander Kekulé therefore calls for a tightening. »At the next federal state meeting on Wednesday, new resolutions against the crown are absolutely necessary. This should include that in all secondary schools the classes are immediately divided and switched to alternating lessons, “said the expert from the University of Halle-Wittenberg of the” Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung “. kindergartens and elementary schools.

“Secondly, the nationwide Christmas holidays should start one week before December 24.” It would be December 17th: in most countries, holidays begin on December 19th, in others only December 23rd. “This would also significantly reduce contacts outside the school,” says Kekulé. This could create a valuable buffer to return to the green by the end of the year.

The president of the German medical association, Klaus Reinhardt, expects the restrictions, initially limited at the end of November, to be extended. “You have to assume that the blockade light will continue in December. This is also necessary in view of the situation in the intensive care units,” he told the “Passauer Neue Presse.” He warned against excessive tightening: “We must pay close attention the specific design of the measures “.

Head of the Braun Chancellery: Christmas without grandparents is unimaginable

3.40 in the morning: Despite the high number of corona infections and the discussion about tightening the measures, Chancellery Head Helge Braun (CDU) is counting on Christmas to be celebrated with the family. “For me it is inconceivable that grandparents don’t celebrate Christmas,” he told the German editorial network. At the same time, he appealed to the people to exercise due attention. “More important than the number of people who get together is to cut down on contact early and make sure no one has symptoms,” he said.

The Chancellery’s desire that each family have private contact only with one person from another family is not an obligation. “It’s not a rule, it’s a guide to behavior. It’s sort of like a winter label, ”Braun said.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and state heads of government want to discuss Wednesday on how to proceed against the pandemic. An extension of the restrictions in place since November is under discussion.

The head of the Chancellery rejected the idea of ​​easing data protection for the Corona warning app in order to expand its functions. »We will not compromise on data protection. As this is a voluntary tool, we need maximum user acceptance and trust, ”said Braun. »The app works great. It does exactly what it should and what citizens need it for. “After many of those who tested positive initially didn’t activate an app alert, the program has been improved and simplified.

Spahn views the partial blockade as a success in the fight against the crown pandemic

3:00 in the morning .: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) rates this month’s partial blockade as a success in the fight against the crown pandemic. “The breakwater still works,” Spahn said in the discussion of the newspaper “Die Welt” with FDP leader Christian Lindner. “Exponential growth is halted,” added Spahn looking at the Corona infection levels. “We agree that this is not enough. But it was successful – once again. “

Spahn justified that the federal government was prioritizing reducing the number of infections. “We are the country with one of the oldest populations in the world”, underlined the minister. “If the number of infections increases, sooner or later the need for treatment in intensive care units will also increase.” Belgium, the Netherlands and France have again asked Germany to admit patients because their intensive care capacities are exhausted.

“I want us to break the wave before there is unnecessary suffering in the hospitals,” Spahn said. So far, the federal government has done well with relatively mild measures.

The president of the FDP, Lindner, accused the government of lack of strategy. “My fear is that this year we will not find our way out of the current November blockade,” he told the “world”. “And if we finish it, the next one will be here a few weeks later. It would be a stop-and-go policy that would cause enormous social and economic damage. “

Lindner criticized that with better protection of at-risk groups, the closure of restaurants, culture, leisure and sports would not have been necessary. It is “possible to make public, cultural and economic life possible as long as distance and hygiene are maintained”.

DIHK poll: partial blockade hits German economy hard

02.55: The crown pandemic causes a drop in demand in more than half of German companies. This is the result of a current DIHK survey of over 13,000 companies from all sectors and regions. “Tight investment budgets are currently depressing demand for German products in many regions of the world,” announced the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK). Nationwide, new krona restrictions and partial lockdowns in a number of sectors are causing further losses in demand. “Overall, more than two thirds of companies in Germany are predicting a drop in sales in 2020.”

The percentage of companies complaining of lower income is particularly high in the hospitality sector (93%), in the travel sector (94%) and in the cultural and creative industries (90%). “In these areas in particular, business is currently completely or largely at a standstill.” But even in the automotive trade (73%) and industry (69%), an above-average number of companies recorded a decline in sales this year. According to the DIHK, this is due, among other things, to lower demand (51%), canceled orders (29%) and logistical bottlenecks for supplier products (14%).

According to the survey, 49 percent of companies need to cancel or postpone investments in response to the crisis. Four out of ten companies are expected to cut costs and nearly a quarter should cut their staff. However, many companies also developed creative solutions during the crisis, for example by promoting digitization (36%), expanding their online presence (32%) or converting business models (22%).

Federal Minister: Corona vaccine will meet safety standards

01:05: Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) stressed the safety of potential new corona vaccines. “The vaccine will meet the same safety standards as everyone else,” Karliczek told “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. “This also means that authorities will continue to provide close monitoring after approval and have an eye on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine – exactly how it usually works.” He added: “So nobody has to worry.” Karliczek stressed: “Vaccination remains absolutely voluntary”.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had made it clear that she expected approval of a corona vaccine in Europe in December or “very soon after the end of the year”. The Mainz-based firm Biontech is already preparing an application for approval for Europe alongside US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, the two companies said Friday.

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