China claims it has already vaccinated 1,000,000 citizens


According to the South China Morning Post, nearly one million Chinese, including members of peacekeeping troops in areas with coronavirus outbreaks, have been injected with a vaccine created by state-owned Sinopharm as part of a government emergency plan.

China has far outstripped Russia in the vaccination rush, although vaccines are still in clinical trials in both countries. According to Liu Jingzhen, president of Sinopharm, not a single case of “serious adverse event” has occurred in any of the nearly one million vaccinated people.

“World leader”

In an interview, Liu praised the Chinese development project, calling it a “world leader”.

“In emergency conditions, the vaccines were given to nearly a million people and no serious adverse events occurred. People had only mild symptoms.”

And he concluded:

“So far, with all our advances, from research to clinical trials, to manufacturing and emergency use, we have been world leaders.”

Russia and China are the only countries working to develop a vaccine that they have already used in an emergency to vaccinate part of their population.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also said a few months ago that one of his daughters was given a vaccine created by the Gamaleia Institute as part of the first clinical trials.

The Chinese company Sinopharm has confirmed since September that the number of patients who had received the vaccine in an “emergency” regime was hundreds of thousands.

The emergency regime refers to the so-called people at high risk of infection, which, according to Chinese health regulations, includes not only front-line health workers, but also employees of schools, supermarkets or public transport.

Sinovac, “softer”

While Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca have published preliminary data on the high efficacy of their vaccines, with moderate side effects, a study published this week in Lancet showed that the inactivated vaccine produced by Sinovac produced an immune response to the virus, although it was not as strong as the response in people who received US mRNA vaccines or in infected patients.

US Secretary of Health Alex Azar said Wednesday that the authorization and distribution of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines could begin in a few weeks and that the United States will have 40 million doses of the two vaccines available by the end of the year. ‘year.

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