Brazilian vice president denies racism in country after violent death of black citizen – News


“Regretful that there [caso de assassinato de homem negro]. This is unfortunate. In principle, security is totally unprepared for the task you need to perform […] For me, there is no racism in Brazil. This is something they want to import to Brazil. It doesn’t exist here, “Mourão told the local press.

One of the reporters on the spot again reinforced the question, asking Mourão to confirm that he does not believe in the existence of racism in Brazil.

“No, I tell you with peace of mind: there is no racism here”, the general stressed, arguing that this problem exists in the United States of America (USA).

“I tell you the following, because I lived in the United States: there is racism there. I lived in the United States for two years and at school, “people of color” were separated. I had never seen it here in Brazil. I left Brazil, I went to live there, I was a teenager and I was impressed by it. This was in the late 1960s, the vice president said of his experience in North America.

However, Hamilton Mourão’s opinion is not shared by other Brazilian politicians, who consider racism “the source of all the shortcomings” of the country.

“We woke up shocked by the brutal scenes of aggression against João Alberto Freitas, a black man, beaten to death at the Carrefour. Racism is the origin of all the chasms in that country. It is urgent to stop this cycle ”, wrote the former president Lula da Silva on the social network Twitter.

The mayoral candidate of São Paulo and leader of the Homeless Movement (MTST), Guilherme Boulos, said that racism is “structural” in the South American country.

“’There is no racism in Brazil,’ Mourão said earlier. Racism not only exists, it is structural. Fighting it is at the heart of our project to reverse priorities. We will make São Paulo the capital of resistance to this genocidal government, “Boulos, a candidate for president of Brazil in 2018, said on Twitter.

“When the president is racist and vice president Mourão denies racism in Brazil and speaks of a black person, we see the level we have reached. Crimes such as the murder of João Alberto in Carrefour are not isolated facts. There is racism and Bolsonaro has stimulated hatred and prejudice ”, said in turn the president of the Workers’ Party (PT), Gleisi Hoffmann.

So far, the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has not yet commented on the death of the 40-year-old man, who was violently killed by the security guards of the Carrefour supermarket chain in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre.

The death occurred on the eve of Black Awareness Day, a celebration established in Brazil in honor of Zumbi, the historical leader of the Palmares quilombo, a community created by black fugitives in northeastern Brazil who resisted slavery imposed by the Portuguese during colonization. .

In this sense, Bolsonaro has only published a photo of a Santos football team shirt, signed by the former footballer Pele, which he received this morning, in an allusion to the Black Awareness Day celebrations.

Bolsonaro was tried in 2018 for the crime of racism. At stake is a conference given by the current president at Clube Hebraica, in Rio de Janeiro, in April 2017, in which, in front of an audience of 300 people, Bolsonaro allegedly used expressions of a discriminatory nature towards black quilombolas.

The blacks of Quilombola are the descendants of black slaves who fled before the abolition and live in small rural communities in the interior of the country, in delimited areas.

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