The G-20 has decided to use all tools to contain the coronavirus pandemic, save jobs, incomes, news about Europe and main stories


BRUSSELS / WASHINGTON (REUTERS) – The group of 20 nations (G-20) is determined to continue to do everything possible to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, warning in a draft statement that the global economic recovery remains “erratic, highly uncertain and subject to high downside risks “.

Bringing the pandemic under control is key to supporting a global economic recovery, G-20 leaders say in the draft, excerpts of which were obtained by Reuters.

A final joint statement will be released by leaders from the United States, China and other groups of 20 nations after they met via videoconference on Saturday (November 20).

In the draft, leaders noted that the coronavirus crisis has hit the most vulnerable in society the hardest and said some countries may need debt cancellation in addition to a temporary freeze on official debt payments ending in June 2021.

He said G-20 leaders will review whether to extend the moratorium, the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI), for another six months in the spring of 2021, and approved a common framework for addressing debt issues that is also backed by the Paris Club of Official Creditors.

“We are determined to continue to use all available policy tools for as long as necessary to safeguard people’s lives, jobs and incomes, support global economic recovery and improve the resilience of the financial system, safeguarding ourselves from downside risks” , the statement states.


The project highlighted the importance of borrowers and creditors to expand transparency on public and private debt and urged private sector creditors to participate in the G-20 debt cancellation effort on a comparable basis.

They also expressed support for a push by the International Monetary Fund to explore additional tools to address countries’ needs as the crisis evolves and to address the “particular challenges faced by small developing states”.

There has been no specific mention of a new allocation of the IMF’s special drawing rights, a move similar to a central bank printing money, which has so far been blocked by the United States, the IMF’s largest shareholder.

US President-elect Joe Biden, a Democrat, is likely to take a more cooperative global stance after taking office on Jan.20, economists say.

Biden should bring the US back into the Paris climate treaty and reverse outgoing President Donald Trump’s threats to step down from the World Health Organization.

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