Another embarrassing xenophobic attack on Venezuelans in Peru shakes the nets


A Peruvian citizen repeatedly insulted the Venezuelan, Junior Ramírez, 23, a worker at a delivery service company, for failing to deliver his order as planned.

Web writing

Not content with complaining about allegedly not delivering his request correctly, a Peruvian citizen living in Miraflores, a wealthy sector of the Peruvian capital, named Guillermo Miranda, repeatedly insulted a Venezuelan worker, Junior Ramírez, 23. , of the Rappi company. She even blamed him for his mistake because he was a Venezuelan national.

The reprehensible attitude of the Peruvian has gone viral through social networks. The verbal assault was recorded in a video in which Miranda is warned by launching xenophobic comments against the Venezuelan worker.

Junior Ramírez explained that the drinks he was carrying had come out of their container, causing the cardboard bag containing the other products to get wet. However, he indicated that the packaging was the responsibility of the food institution.

“I’m sick of you, you know? I want to beat you, “said the Peruvian, who added:” You (ruined) my lunch (…) Don’t you understand? I’m not gonna get this shit broken (…) why are you such an idiot? It should have a plastic bag. I want to hit you and bring you back to your country ”.

Watch the moment when Miranda complains to the Venezuelan with xenophobic comments:

In response to the embarrassing episode, the Rappi company, the home delivery platform where the young Venezuelan works, has issued a statement in which it rejects any act of violence and discrimination against its messengers after aggression and verbal discrimination. .

“I don’t understand why a person can react in this way; The moisture came out of the biodegradable bag, but the product was intact, complete (…) Above all, it doesn’t seem to me that it was a correct way of acting for man, ”said Ramírez.

In the midst of the condemnation, also by the Peruvian society, of the incident, Guillermo Miranda apologized publicly and in a message through a video posted on Twitter sent a message to Junior Ramírez: “I am the protagonist of an embarrassing act committed against a young Venezuelan worker (…) There is no reason that can justify my attitude, nor the problems I had to face at that precise moment, nor all this concern about the pandemic could justify that I made you feel this way ( . ..) “.

Watch the video in which Miranda apologizes for her aggression against the Venezuelan:

A group of Rappi distributors visited the district of Miraflores in Lima on Wednesday 18 November, in protest and rejection of Miranda’s act of xenophobia, which was sanctioned by the Municipality of Miraflores by an ITU (4,300 soles) after attacking the Venezuelan Merchant, applying ordinances 437 and 480 / MM.

They will inform the Prosecutor of the facts for the corresponding purposes.


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