Trump believes in “a very clear and achievable path to victory”


In a Pennsylvania lawsuit, his lawyers want the presidential election result in the state to be canceled. In Wisconsin there will be a recount of the votes in two counties. Whether that will help Trump is doubtful: In Georgia, his deficit over victorious challenger Joe Biden has shrunk from 14,000 to 12,000 votes after an exam.

The results of the state are crucial to winning the presidential elections. The head of state is not elected directly by the people, but by the voters who cast their votes based on the results in their state. According to the calculations of the US media, the Democrat Biden has 306 voters behind him, it takes 270 for the election of the president. Pennsylvania is a particularly valuable state with 20 voters, Georgia has 16 votes, and Wisconsin 10.

In Pennsylvania, Trump’s side, under the direction of his longtime personal attorney and confidant Rudy Giuliani, has filed a lawsuit, which has been reviewed for a second time, not to fully confirm the election result in the state. Instead, the local parliament – in which Republicans have a majority – should appoint the electorate. The goal: These elected voters should therefore vote not for the winner of the Biden election, but for the defeated Trump. In this way, Trump would secure the support of 20 voters who, according to the election results, are not entitled to him.

Trump insists on fraud

Trump, who ran for the Republicans, has been claiming since election day on Nov.3 that his victory was stolen through fraud. It has not yet provided any concrete evidence of large-scale election fraud. Meanwhile, he continued to spread rumors that the software used in the counting of the votes attributed the votes cast to challenger Biden. He also denounces alleged ballot papers counterfeited by postal votes. His lawyers have already suffered more than two dozen defeats in various states. But you keep trying.

Trump announced Thursday that his lawyers will hold a press conference later in the day, which will show a “very clear and viable path to victory.” Conversely, more and more senior Republicans admit Biden will be sworn in as the next president on January 20, 2021. The party’s top still holds Trump.

Even if the causes don’t work, Trump has already managed to get a majority of Republican voters to question the legitimacy of Biden’s success and his presidency. According to a poll, 70% of them now believed Biden had won by fraud, news channel CNN reported.

In the northern state of Wisconsin there will be a recount in two large districts at the request of Trump’s side, as the election commission decided after Thursday night’s controversial deliberations. Biden is far superior in both districts. In Dane County it is ahead of Trump with over 260 185 votes to 78,800, in Milwaukee County with 317,270 votes to 134,357. Trump’s campaign team had to transfer $ 3 million for it. The cost of a recount would be borne by the state only if the benefit was less than 0.25%, but it is 0.62%. The president continues to flood his supporters with appeals for donations.

Georgia is numbered

The manual review of the votes in Georgia has now been completed. There Biden was in the lead with about 14,000 votes before the recount began. During the inspection, it was found that several thousand votes were not included in the results, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, responsible for conducting the election, told CNN. The cause was the errors of employees in two districts ruled by the Republicans. With them, Biden’s lead narrowed to about 12,000 votes. Raffensperger also stressed: “We saw no signs of widespread fraud.” According to Fox News, 5,600 counted votes were not included in the bill.

The state will also determine how much leeway Biden will have to enforce his policies as president. At the beginning of January there will be ballot elections for two seats in the Senate, which will decide on the majority in the Senate. Republicans currently have 50 seats in the House and Democrats 48. If the Democrats manage to win both ballots, Vice President Kamala Harris could step in on their side in a 50-50 stalemate – and eventually give them a majority. . The president needs the approval of the Senate, among other things, to hold government posts.

Given the importance of the two ballot elections, more than 125 million dollars (about 106 million euros) have been invested in the election campaign in the last two weeks, as reported by the New York Times. For Republicans, Vice President Mike Pence wants to tour the state.

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