Budget dispute: European Parliament rejects concessions to Hungary and Poland


The European Parliament does not want to welcome Hungary and Poland in the dispute over the EU budget. “No other concessions will be made on our part,” said Parliament president David Sassoli and the group leaders. The “agreements reached” on the EU budget and on the rule of law cannot be dissolved under any circumstances.

The Warsaw and Budapest governments criticize plans to cut EU funds in the event of a violation of the rule of law. Hungary and Poland then vetoed the entire EU budget package of € 1.8 trillion on Monday. The disbursement of money from the € 750 billion Corona aid fund could therefore be delayed. Solutions to lift the block are not yet in sight. EU Heads of State and Government will discuss the budget crisis on Thursday evening.

Morawiecki: the rule of law is the EU’s “propaganda stick”

Meanwhile, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki defended his country’s blockade. “The rule of law and violations of the rule of law have become a propaganda stick in the EU, we reject such an attitude,” Morawiecki said in the Polish parliament. Poland has not entered an EU in which a “European oligarchy” punishes the weakest. “Such an EU also has no future ahead of it”.

Morawiecki warned that this was a turning point in EU history. “Decisions based on arbitrary agreements can easily lead to their disintegration.” Poland demands that the EU treat all members equally and not be a federation in which there are “equal and equal”. If Poland’s partners do not understand that its country is not involved in an unequal treatment, the veto will be used.

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